The Immediate, Short-term and Long-term Impact of Endurance Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Transcriptome Profiles

Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies

ISSN: 2161-0673

Open Access

Mini Review - (2024) Volume 14, Issue 2

The Immediate, Short-term and Long-term Impact of Endurance Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Transcriptome Profiles

Fortiton Caroline*
*Correspondence: Fortiton Caroline, Department of Health Science and Psychology, Federation University Australia, SMB Campus, Australia, Email:
Department of Health Science and Psychology, Federation University Australia, SMB Campus, Australia

Received: 02-Mar-2024, Manuscript No. jsmds-24-130915; Editor assigned: 04-Mar-2024, Pre QC No. P-130915; Reviewed: 16-Mar-2024, QC No. Q-130915; Revised: 21-Mar-2024, Manuscript No. R-130915; Published: 28-Mar-2024 , DOI: 10.37421/2161-0673.2024.14.354
Citation: Caroline, Fortiton. “The Immediate, Short-term and Long-term Impact of Endurance Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Transcriptome Profiles.” J Sports Med Doping Stud 14 (2024): 354.
Copyright: © 2024 Caroline F. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


This study investigates the dynamic impact of endurance exercise on skeletal muscle transcriptome profiles across immediate, short-term and long-term durations. Transcriptomic analysis reveals significant alterations in gene expression patterns associated with exercise-induced adaptations in skeletal muscle. Immediate responses are characterized by rapid changes in gene expression related to metabolic regulation and cellular stress response pathways. Short-term adaptations involve the modulation of gene networks governing muscle repair, angiogenesis and energy metabolism. Long-term effects are marked by sustained alterations in gene expression associated with enhanced muscle endurance, fiber remodeling and oxidative capacity. The comprehensive understanding of these transcriptomic changes provides insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying exercise-induced skeletal muscle adaptations, with implications for optimizing training strategies and developing targeted interventions for improving athletic performance and health outcomes.


Endurance exercise • Skeletal muscle • Transcriptome • Cellular stress response


Endurance exercise, characterized by sustained aerobic activity over extended periods, has been a cornerstone of human physical activity for centuries. It encompasses activities such as running, cycling, swimming and rowing, among others. Beyond its well-established benefits on cardiovascular health and metabolic fitness, endurance exercise profoundly influences skeletal muscle physiology. One fascinating aspect of this influence lies in its modulation of gene expression patterns within skeletal muscle cells, known as the transcriptome. In this article, we delve into the immediate, short-term and long-term impact of endurance exercise on skeletal muscle transcriptome profiles. Endurance exercise initiates a cascade of molecular events within skeletal muscle cells, leading to acute changes in gene expression. Studies employing transcriptomic analyses have revealed rapid alterations in the skeletal muscle transcriptome following a single bout of endurance exercise. These changes involve the upregulation of genes related to energy metabolism, mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative stress response. Notably, genes encoding for proteins involved in fatty acid oxidation, such as Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1) and peroxisome Proliferator-activated receptor Gamma Coactivator 1-Alpha (PGC-1α), are among the highly induced transcripts post-exercise. Concurrently, genes associated with muscle repair, inflammation and stress adaptation are also activated, reflecting the multifaceted response of skeletal muscle to endurance exercise [1,2].

Literature Review

Endurance exercise is known to induce profound adaptations in skeletal muscle, leading to improvements in performance and health outcomes. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these adaptations is crucial for optimizing training strategies and developing targeted interventions. Transcriptomic analysis provides a powerful tool for unraveling the dynamic changes in gene expression that occur in response to exercise stimuli. Several studies have investigated the immediate, short-term and long-term impact of endurance exercise on skeletal muscle transcriptome profiles, shedding light on the temporal dynamics of gene expression modulation and the functional implications for muscle adaptation. Immediate responses to endurance exercise involve rapid alterations in gene expression that contribute to the metabolic and physiological demands of exercise. Studies have identified upregulation of genes involved in energy metabolism, including those encoding enzymes involved in glycolysis, fatty acid oxidation and mitochondrial function. Additionally, exercise-induced activation of cellular stress response pathways, such as the heat shock response and antioxidant defense systems, plays a crucial role in protecting muscle cells from exercise-induced damage and promoting adaptation [3].

Short-term adaptations to endurance exercise encompass changes in gene expression that facilitate muscle repair, angiogenesis and metabolic remodeling. Upregulation of genes associated with muscle protein synthesis, extracellular matrix remodeling and inflammation resolution promotes muscle recovery and adaptation. Furthermore, increased expression of genes involved in angiogenesis and vascular remodeling enhances oxygen delivery to active muscle fibers, improving endurance capacity. Metabolic adaptations include the coordinated regulation of genes involved in substrate utilization and mitochondrial biogenesis, leading to enhanced oxidative capacity and energy production. Long-term endurance training induces sustained alterations in skeletal muscle transcriptome profiles that underpin the development of endurance phenotype. Chronic exercise promotes fiber type switching, with a shift towards a greater proportion of oxidative, slow-twitch fibers, accompanied by changes in the expression of genes associated with muscle contractility and calcium handling. Endurance training also leads to the upregulation of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, oxidative phosphorylation and lipid metabolism, contributing to enhanced endurance performance and metabolic efficiency [4].


The identification of transcriptomic biomarkers associated with endurance exercise response holds promise for personalized training optimization and monitoring of training adaptations. Recent research efforts have focused on characterizing gene expression signatures that distinguish between responders and non-responders to endurance training. Transcriptomic profiling has identified candidate biomarkers predictive of training-induced improvements in aerobic capacity, muscle performance and metabolic health. Furthermore, ongoing studies are exploring the utility of longitudinal transcriptomic monitoring to track individual training responses and adjust training regimens accordingly. However, the translation of transcriptomic biomarkers into clinical practice requires further validation and standardization across diverse populations and exercise modalities [5]. Investigating the epigenetic mechanisms underlying endurance exercise-induced transcriptomic changes represents a promising avenue for future research. Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation, play a crucial role in regulating gene expression patterns in response to exercise. Integrating transcriptomic data with epigenomic profiling could elucidate the dynamic interplay between epigenetic regulation and gene expression in skeletal muscle adaptation to endurance exercise. Advancements in single-cell RNA sequencing technology enable the characterization of transcriptomic heterogeneity at the cellular level. Applying single-cell transcriptomic approaches to skeletal muscle samples could uncover cell type-specific responses to endurance exercise. This finer resolution would elucidate the contributions of distinct cell populations, such as myocytes, fibroblasts and immune cells, to overall transcriptomic changes in response to exercise.

Longitudinal transcriptomic studies tracking gene expression kinetics over extended periods of endurance training are essential for capturing the temporal dynamics of transcriptomic adaptations. Understanding the time course of gene expression changes from the acute response to the establishment of chronic training-induced adaptations would provide insights into the persistence and stability of exercise-induced transcriptomic alterations. Integrating transcriptomic data with functional phenotypes, such as muscle strength, endurance performance and metabolic parameters, can facilitate the identification of gene expression signatures associated with specific physiological outcomes. By correlating transcriptomic profiles with functional responses to exercise, researchers can prioritize candidate biomarkers for further validation and clinical translation. Exploring the sources of inter-individual variability in skeletal muscle transcriptomic responses to endurance exercise is crucial for personalized exercise prescription. Factors such as genetics, age, sex, training history and lifestyle habits influence individual responsiveness to exercise training. Incorporating multi-omics and phenotypic data from diverse cohorts would enable the development of predictive models to tailor exercise interventions based on individual characteristics. Transcriptomic profiling of skeletal muscle can inform the development of novel therapeutic strategies for combating metabolic disorders, age-related muscle decline and musculoskeletal injuries. Identifying target genes and pathways modulated by endurance exercise may inspire the development of pharmacological interventions or exercise mimetics to enhance muscle function and metabolic health [6].


Endurance exercise exerts a profound influence on skeletal muscle transcriptome profiles, encompassing immediate, short-term and long-term effects. Transcriptomic analyses have provided valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the adaptive responses of skeletal muscle to endurance training. Continued advancements in high-throughput sequencing technologies and bioinformatics tools hold promise for unraveling the intricacies of exercise-induced transcriptomic changes. Moreover, the integration of transcriptomic data with other omics approaches, such as proteomics and metabolomics, promises a comprehensive understanding of exercise-induced physiological adaptations. Ultimately, deciphering the complex interplay between endurance exercise and the skeletal muscle transcriptome may pave the way for targeted interventions to optimize athletic performance, promote metabolic health and combat chronic diseases.



Conflict of Interest

There are no conflicts of interest by author.


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