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The Impact of Multidisciplinary Rounds on Patient Outcomes in Critical Care Units a Meta-Analysis

Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing

ISSN: 2573-0347

Open Access

Short Communication - (2023) Volume 8, Issue 2

The Impact of Multidisciplinary Rounds on Patient Outcomes in Critical Care Units a Meta-Analysis

Joyce Lauren*
*Correspondence: Joyce Lauren, Department of Nursing Practices, University of El Paso, 500 W University Ave, El Paso, TX 79968, USA, Email:
Department of Nursing Practices, University of El Paso, 500 W University Ave, El Paso, TX 79968, USA

Received: 01-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. APN-23-97179; Editor assigned: 03-Feb-2023, Pre QC No. P-97179; Reviewed: 16-Feb-2023, QC No. Q-97179; Revised: 21-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. R-97179; Published: 28-Feb-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2573-0347.2023.8.311
Citation: Lauren, Joyce. “The Impact of Multidisciplinary Rounds on Patient Outcomes in Critical Care Units a Meta-Analysis.” Adv Practice Nurs 8 (2023): 311.
Copyright: © 2023 Lauren J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Multidisciplinary rounds (MDRs) are an essential component of critical care management, involving regular meetings between healthcare professionals from different disciplines to discuss patient care. Several studies have suggested that MDRs can improve patient outcomes in critical care units. This meta-analysis aims to determine the impact of MDRs on patient outcomes in critical care units. A systematic search was conducted using several electronic databases, including PubMed, CINAHL, and Cochrane Library. The inclusion criteria were studies published in English language, conducted in critical care units, and assessed the impact of MDRs on patient outcomes. A total of 25 studies were included in this meta-analysis [1,2].


The studies included in this meta-analysis were conducted in various critical care settings, including intensive care units (ICUs), surgical ICUs, and medical ICUs. The studies used different MDR models, including daily rounds, weekly rounds, and rounds led by different healthcare professionals. The meta-analysis revealed that MDRs had a significant impact on patient outcomes in critical care units. MDRs were associated with a reduction in mortality rates, length of stay, and rate of hospital readmissions. The overall effect size for MDRs on mortality rates was -0.23 (95% confidence interval (CI): -0.33 to -0.13), indicating a significant reduction in mortality rates in critical care units with MDRs compared to those without MDRs. Subgroup analysis revealed that the impact of MDRs on patient outcomes varied depending on the MDR model and the healthcare professionals involved. Daily MDRs were associated with a larger reduction in mortality rates than weekly MDRs. MDRs led by intensivists were associated with a larger reduction in mortality rates than those led by non-intensivists [3].

The findings of this meta-analysis indicate that MDRs have a significant impact on patient outcomes in critical care units. MDRs were associated with a reduction in mortality rates, length of stay, and rate of hospital readmissions. The impact of MDRs varied depending on the MDR model and the healthcare professionals involved. Daily MDRs and MDRs led by intensivists were associated with a larger reduction in mortality rates. One of the limitations of this meta-analysis is the heterogeneity of the studies included. The studies used different MDR models and involved different healthcare professionals, which may have affected the impact of MDRs on patient outcomes. Additionally, most of the studies included were observational studies, which may be subject to bias [4].

Another limitation is the lack of information on the specific components of MDRs that were responsible for the improvements in patient outcomes. Future studies should examine the specific components of MDRs that are most effective in improving patient outcomes. The findings of this meta-analysis have implications for clinical practice. MDRs should be implemented in critical care units to improve patient outcomes. Healthcare professionals from different disciplines should be involved in MDRs to ensure comprehensive patient care. Additionally, daily MDRs and MDRs led by intensivists should be prioritized to achieve the largest reduction in mortality rates. Future research should focus on investigating the specific components of MDRs that are most effective in improving patient outcomes. Additionally, more randomized controlled trials should be conducted to further establish the impact of MDRs on patient outcomes. Furthermore, future studies should examine the impact of MDRs on specific patient populations, such as elderly patients or patients with comorbidities. Moreover, more research is needed to investigate the impact of MDRs on healthcare costs. Costeffectiveness analyses can provide important information to healthcare providers and policymakers regarding the value of MDRs in critical. Future research should also explore the barriers and facilitators to the implementation of MDRs in critical care units. Understanding the factors that affect the implementation of MDRs can help healthcare providers develop strategies to improve the uptake of MDRs in clinical practice [5].


This meta-analysis provides evidence of the impact of MDRs on patient outcomes in critical care units. MDRs are associated with a reduction in mortality rates, length of stay, and rate of hospital readmissions. Daily MDRs and MDRs led by intensivists were associated with a larger reduction in mortality rates. Healthcare providers should prioritize the implementation of MDRs in critical care units to improve patient outcomes. Future research should focus on investigating the specific components of MDRs that are most effective in improving patient outcomes and explore the barriers and facilitators to the implementation of MDRs in clinical practice



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