The Under Diagnosis of Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Adults

Journal of Genetics and Genomes

ISSN: 2684-4567

Open Access

Mini Review - (2023) Volume 7, Issue 5

The Under Diagnosis of Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Adults

June Peters*
*Correspondence: June Peters, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Email:
Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Received: 29-Sep-2023, Manuscript No. jgge-23-116733; Editor assigned: 02-Oct-2023, Pre QC No. P-116733; Reviewed: 17-Oct-2023, QC No. Q-116733; Revised: 23-Oct-2023, Manuscript No. R-116733; Published: 30-Oct-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2684-4567.2023.7.88
Citation: Peters, June. “The Under Diagnosis of Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Adults.” J Genet Genom 7 (2023): 88.
Copyright: © 2023 Peters J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEMs) constitute a set of rare genetic disorders that disrupt the body's normal chemical processes. Though these conditions have traditionally been linked to pediatric patients, there is a mounting body of evidence indicating that they are significantly underdiagnosed in the adult population. This article delves into the issue of underdiagnosis, focusing on a notable revelation: in one adult genetics clinic, biochemical testing resulted in a diagnostic rate of merely 10%. This finding underscores the pressing need for heightened awareness, improved diagnostic techniques and a deeper understanding of IEMs in adults. Historically, inborn errors of metabolism have primarily been associated with childhood due to the emergence of severe symptoms at a young age. However, both research and clinical experiences are increasingly suggesting that numerous adults may unknowingly be living with undiagnosed IEMs. These disorders can exhibit a wide spectrum of symptoms, rendering their identification in the adult population a challenging task. Moreover, these symptoms frequently overlap with more common conditions, further complicating the diagnostic process.


Diagnosis • Inborn errors • Metabolism


Inborn errors of metabolism are a group of rare genetic disorders that disrupt the body's normal chemical processes. While these conditions are often associated with pediatric patients, there is growing evidence that they are significantly underdiagnosed in adult populations. In this article, we delve into the issue of underdiagnosis, with a specific focus on a striking finding: biochemical testing yielded a diagnostic rate of only 10% in one adult genetics clinic. This revelation underscores the need for greater awareness, improved diagnostic methods and a deeper understanding of IEMs in adults. Traditionally, inborn errors of metabolism have been primarily associated with childhood due to the onset of severe symptoms at a young age. However, research and clinical experience increasingly suggest that many adults may also be living with undiagnosed IEMs. These disorders can manifest with a wide range of symptoms, making them challenging to identify in an adult population. Symptoms often overlap with more common conditions, further complicating the diagnostic process.

Literature Review

A noteworthy case in point comes from a study conducted in an adult genetics clinic, which reported a diagnostic rate of only 10% using biochemical testing. This finding is both eye-opening and concerning, as it suggests that the vast majority of adults with IEMs may remain undiagnosed and, consequently, untreated. Biochemical testing is a key tool in diagnosing IEMs. It involves analyzing the levels of specific metabolites or enzymes in a patient's blood or urine. The low diagnostic rate revealed in this clinic highlights the need for improved screening and diagnostic methods. One reason behind the underdiagnosis of IEMs in adults is the complex and often subtle nature of these disorders when they present later in life. Symptoms can be vague, including fatigue, muscle weakness and neurological issues, making it challenging for healthcare providers to recognize the underlying genetic cause. As a result, IEMs are frequently overlooked in the diagnostic process and adult patients may endure years of undiagnosed suffering [1].


Increasing awareness among healthcare professionals about the potential presence of IEMs in adults is crucial. By recognizing the various presentations and symptoms associated with these conditions, clinicians can become better equipped to consider IEMs in their differential diagnoses. Furthermore, educating the public about IEMs and their potential adult onset is equally important. This awareness can empower patients to seek specialized care if they suspect an underlying metabolic disorder. The revelation that biochemical testing yielded a diagnostic rate of only 10% in an adult genetics clinic underscores the significant underdiagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism in adults. It is imperative that healthcare providers and researchers work collaboratively to improve diagnostic methods and increase awareness of these conditions among both medical professionals and the general population [2].

As our understanding of IEMs in adults deepens, more individuals may receive timely diagnoses and access to appropriate treatments. This can significantly enhance their quality of life and prevent the progression of potentially debilitating symptoms. By shining a light on this underdiagnosed issue, we can strive for better care and support for adults living with inborn errors of metabolism. In the realm of medical diagnosis, the ability to accurately identify a patient's condition is of paramount importance. At one particular clinic, testing has emerged as a crucial tool in the pursuit of accurate diagnosis. Strikingly, these diagnostic tests have not only unveiled common ailments but have also successfully identified exceedingly rare and uncommon conditions [3].

Furthermore, patients with both biochemical and non-biochemical disorders often present with strikingly similar symptoms. In this article, we explore the vital role of testing in shedding light on both common and uncommon diagnoses while navigating the complexities of differentiating between biochemical and non-biochemical disorders. The advances in medical science and technology have given rise to an array of diagnostic tests, each designed to provide insights into specific aspects of a patient's health. In one clinic, the use of such tests has proven transformative in diagnosing a wide range of conditions. What sets this clinic apart is the extraordinary diversity of diagnoses they have been able to uncover through the meticulous application of these diagnostic tools [4].

While the clinic's diagnostic capabilities extend to rare and unique disorders, they have not overlooked the importance of addressing common ailments. Diagnostic tests play a crucial role in identifying prevalent conditions, ensuring that patients receive the appropriate care and treatments. For many, the clinic's utilization of these tests has led to prompt intervention and an improved prognosis. Beyond the realm of common diagnoses, this clinic has set itself apart by identifying extremely rare and uncommon conditions. These conditions, often overlooked or misdiagnosed, can lead to years of suffering for patients. However, with the application of meticulous testing, this clinic has provided clarity, solace and specialized care to those who have long sought answers.

One of the intriguing challenges faced by healthcare professionals at the clinic is the presentation of patients with both biochemical and non-biochemical disorders. In many cases, these disorders manifest with remarkably similar symptoms. This diagnostic paradox emphasizes the need for thorough testing to differentiate between the two, as the treatment approaches can significantly vary. In the context of patients presenting with similar symptoms, diagnostic tests play a pivotal role in distinguishing between biochemical and nonbiochemical disorders. By delving into the patient's biochemistry and analyzing various biomarkers, testing allows healthcare providers to make an accurate diagnosis. This not only provides patients with a precise understanding of their condition but also ensures that they receive the most appropriate and effective treatments [5,6].


The clinic's remarkable success in diagnosing both common and uncommon conditions through diagnostic testing is a testament to the power of medical technology and expertise. It highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare, wherein an array of diagnostic tools is harnessed to provide comprehensive and individualized care. The clinic's unique challenge of discerning between biochemical and non-biochemical disorders in patients presenting with similar symptoms underscores the need for continued research, refinement of testing methods and collaboration within the medical community. In doing so, the clinic has not only improved patient outcomes but has also contributed to the collective understanding of complex medical conditions, offering hope for a future where diagnostic challenges can be more effectively addressed.



Conflict of Interest



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