The Uses and Management of Various Types of Finger Splints

Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2573-0312

Open Access

Commentary - (2021) Volume 6, Issue 9

The Uses and Management of Various Types of Finger Splints

Sana Fatima**
*Correspondence: Sana Fatima*, Department of Sports Sciences and Physical Education, Pakistan, Email:
1Department of Sports Sciences and Physical Education, Pakistan

Received: 10-Sep-2021 Published: 30-Sep-2021 , DOI: 10.37421/2573-0312.2021.6.244
Citation: Fatima, Sana. “The Uses and Management of Various Types of Finger Splints". Physiother Rehabil 6 (2021):244.
Copyright: © 2021 Fatima S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Finger splints are medical devices that people can use to keep their wounded finger immobilised and avoid additional harm. Finger splints exist in a range of sizes and materials, and each one is designed to address a specific ailment [1].

Finger splints: How Effective are they?

Orthosis is the use of braces and other devices to re-establish appropriate alignment or give support for disorders of the limbs or spine. An orthotic is a brace, splint, or other similar device used by healthcare practitioners [2].

Finger splints, for example, can preserve joints by immobilising them, minimising pain and swelling while also assisting in the healing of acute injuries. They can also help with injury prevention and joint function. Finger splints are not recommended as a stand-alone treatment for arthritis, according to medical specialists. Rather, they recommend utilising them in conjunction with other treatment options including physical therapy and medication [3,4].

What are the Different forms of Finger Splints?

Finger splints are divided into four categories

Buddy splints: are made up of two fingers that are taped together. When a finger is strained, such as a consequence of a jamming accident, people employ buddy splints. This splint is not recommended for shattered fingers.

•Static splints: keep a joint in a fixed position, either entirely straight or slightly bent. Metal and foam static splints can be found at local pharmacies and are accessible over the counter. People can, however, employ custom-built ones made of moldable plastics to cure repetitive usage injuries, tendon damage, and fractures.

•Stack splints: are available in a variety of sizes and are used to treat the tip of a finger. They go over the end of the finger and down past the first joint, keeping the finger straight and preventing it from bending. To encourage air flow, these finger splints are made of plastic with perforations.

•Dynamic Splints: Plastic, foam, and metal are used to make dynamic splints, which provide a longer stretch for stiff joints. They're also appropriate for wearing at night or when a person is sleeping.

Precautions while using

1. People who have itchy skin but are unable to remove the splint can use a hair dryer or cool air from a fan to relieve their symptoms, according to the AAOS.

2. Individuals should cover their splint with a sheet of plastic before showering to ensure that it stays dry

3. Those who are able to remove the splint should make sure the skin is dry before reapplying it. 

People should seek medical help right once if they encounter any of the following symptoms, according to the AAOS:

•Pain that has become more intense or severebull;

•A splint that is too tight

•Fingers are tough to move


•A foul odour emanating from the splint

•Stinging or burning

Children's finger splints: Finger splints for children may be recommended by a healthcare expert in specific instances. However, before using a splint on a kid, a parent or caregiver should consult with a paediatrician, as a splint may not be necessary or advisable.

Splints and hand stretches, on the other hand, may help the child's symptoms.


Finger splints are a sort of medical equipment that can help people who have damaged their fingers. Finger splints prevent further injury, give stability, and can aid in the treatment of a variety of injuries, including torn tendons and fractures. Finger splints can be purchased online or through a local drugstore. They should, however, consult a doctor to learn more about which device is appropriate for their situation.

A parent or caregiver of a child with an injured finger should seek medical attention as soon as possible to avoid the finger becoming disfigured over time.


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