Transcranial Pulse Stimulation Retrospective Real-World Pilot Data in Patients with Mild to Severe Alzheimers

International Journal of Neurorehabilitation

ISSN: 2376-0281

Open Access

Mini Review - (2024) Volume 11, Issue 1

Transcranial Pulse Stimulation Retrospective Real-World Pilot Data in Patients with Mild to Severe Alzheimers

Celine Cont*
*Correspondence: Celine Cont, Department of Neurology, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, Email:
Department of Neurology, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain

Received: 01-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. ijn-23-96339; Editor assigned: 03-Apr-2023, Pre QC No. P-96339; Reviewed: 15-Apr-2023, QC No. Q-96339; Revised: 21-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. R-96339; Published: 28-Apr-2023 , DOI: 10.37421/2376-0281.2024.11.525
Citation: Cont, Celine. "Transcranial Pulse Stimulation Retrospective Real-World Pilot Data in Patients with Mild to Severe Alzheimers." Int J Neurorehabilitation Eng 10 (2023): 517.
Copyright: �??�?�© 2023 Cont C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Introduction: A non-invasive form of neuromodulation known as transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS) makes use of a neuro-navigated device to deliver brief, recurrent shockwaves. These pulses may cause a wide range of vascular, metabolic, and neurotrophic changes, according to current research. In a clinical pilot study for improving cognition in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's, this relatively new CE-marked treatment produced its first promising results. Because there is a lack of data from other centers, we examined the safety and pilot real-world short-term TPS results from the first center in Germany. To acquire data about impacts in various stages, patients with gentle as well as moderate-to-extreme Alzheimer's were examined.

Methods: Before and after the first stimulation series, 11 patients were examined for cognitive and emotional function in a retrospective manner. The impact was surveyed utilizing a few neuropsychological tests [Alzheimer's Illness Evaluation Scale (ADAS), including the ADAS mental score (ADAS Pinion) and ADAS emotional scores, Smaller than expected Mental Status Assessment (MMSE), and Montreal Mental Evaluation (MoCA)] remembering for examination between the gatherings of gentle to-extreme patients. Numeric Rating Scales (NRS) were also used to examine subjective improvement in symptom severity, potential effects on depressive symptoms, and side effects.

Results: In only 4% of sessions, side effects occurred that were only brief and of moderate subjective severity. Patients fundamentally worked on in the ADAS and ADAS Pinion, while there was no massive impact in MMSE and MoCA. The self-reported severity of symptoms significantly improved among patients. Also significantly improved were the ADAS subscale measures of depressive symptoms. There was no significant correlation between clinical improvement and baseline symptom severity, according to statistical data analyses.

Conclusion: TPS may be a protected and promising extra treatment for Alzheimer's, in any event, for moderate-to-serious patients. More studies with sham control groups and long-term effects on patients are needed. In addition, in order to comprehend this novel method of neuromodulation, translational research on the mechanisms of action and effects on the physiology of cerebral networks will be required.




Introduction: A non-invasive form of neuromodulation known as transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS) makes use of a neuro-navigated device to deliver brief, recurrent shockwaves. These pulses may cause a wide range of vascular, metabolic, and neurotrophic changes, according to current research. In a clinical pilot study for improving cognition in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's, this relatively new CE-marked treatment produced its first promising results. Because there is a lack of data from other centers, we examined the safety and pilot real-world short-term TPS results from the first center in Germany. To acquire data about impacts in various stages, patients with gentle as well as moderate-to-extreme Alzheimer's were examined.

Methods: Before and after the first stimulation series, 11 patients were examined for cognitive and emotional function in a retrospective manner. The impact was surveyed utilizing a few neuropsychological tests [Alzheimer's Illness Evaluation Scale (ADAS), including the ADAS mental score (ADAS Pinion) and ADAS emotional scores, Smaller than expected Mental Status Assessment (MMSE), and Montreal Mental Evaluation (MoCA)] remembering for examination between the gatherings of gentle to-extreme patients. Numeric Rating Scales (NRS) were also used to examine subjective improvement in symptom severity, potential effects on depressive symptoms, and side effects.

Results: In only 4% of sessions, side effects occurred that were only brief and of moderate subjective severity. Patients fundamentally worked on in the ADAS and ADAS Pinion, while there was no massive impact in MMSE and MoCA. The self-reported severity of symptoms significantly improved among patients. Also significantly improved were the ADAS subscale measures of depressive symptoms. There was no significant correlation between clinical improvement and baseline symptom severity, according to statistical data analyses.

Conclusion: TPS may be a protected and promising extra treatment for Alzheimer's, in any event, for moderate-to-serious patients. More studies with sham control groups and long-term effects on patients are needed. In addition, in order to comprehend this novel method of neuromodulation, translational research on the mechanisms of action and effects on the physiology of cerebral networks will be required.

Keywords: Transcranial pulse stimulation • Retrospective • Pilot data • Alzheimers



Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most prevalent type of dementia. It is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by neurofibrillary tangles and plaques. This type of dementia is primarily characterized by memory loss and a loss of independence in personal daily activities. There is no cure or prevention for AD, which affects approximately 50 million people. Cholinesterase inhibitors and N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonists are two types of symptomatic drugs used. One recently FDA-supported drug, called Aducanumab, is perhaps the earliest endorsed medicine to focus on the conceivable reason for Promotion. This monoclonal immunizer gets out the plaque free from amyloid-ß. However, more investigation is required. As a nonpharmacological treatment, painless mind excitement (NiBS) has previously shown empowering primer outcomes as it incorporates the staggered natural and neurophysiological intricacy of Promotion [1].

Various methods of brain stimulation are already utilized for AD: electrical stimulation with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), the latter of which may have an amyloidclearance effect by using gamma frequencies, as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) Although NiBS should be used in addition to multidisciplinary therapies, recent reviews indicate that its application in AD is promising. Transcranial pulse stimulation, or TPS, is one recently approved treatment for AD. When compared to other neuromodulation devices, TPS may have some advantages: It stimulates up to 8 cm in depth because it is applied with a very narrow focus and may not only affect the brain's superficial layers. Shockwaves are short, single mechanical waves used in this non-invasive neuromodulation treatment. Shock repetitive waves are characterized by pulses lasting less than one second each. In contrast to ultrasound, the pulse is followed by a tensile wave that has a less sedative effect and lasts about 4–5 milliseconds [2].

Due to the asymmetrical pulse validating both momentums, which do not compensate for one another, a reciprocal effect of high pressure and low tension ensues. Rats, human skulls, and brain samples were used to test the practicality of the focal energy deposition. The stimulation of mechanosensitive ion channels results in the release of nitric oxide, which has anti-inflammatory effects, increased metabolism, and angiogenesis in the treated areas. The feeling influences vascular development factors (VEGF), neurogenesis (eNGF and GF-2), and mind inferred neurotrophic factors (BDNF). After six TPS sessions in an uncontrolled pilot study with 35 AD patients, the first evidence of beneficial clinical effects was found to be an effect on cognitive performance following TPS treatment. The CERAD test was used to measure the cognitive effect, which significantly improved with a total point increase of approximately 10.5% following treatment. This effect lasted up to a follow-up period of three months. Additionally, after 2–4 weeks of TPS treatment, depressive symptoms significantly improved, supporting the use of TPS as an additional treatment for depression in AD [3].

Literature Review

Be that as it may, other than in sound subjects (9), no Promotion fake treatment controlled preliminary has been distributed for TPS. Besides, there is an absence of data about this present reality relevance, security, and impacts of different focuses outside the trailblazer community in Vienna. Consequently, in this paper, we give a pilot review examination of the practicality, security, and momentary impact of TPS on the mental and profound execution of 11 patients with Promotion as the principal community in Germany. TPS is currently suggested for mild-to-moderate AD. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed in the design of his study. From January 2010 to February 2021, a comprehensive literature search was conducted in the PubMed, PsycINFO, and Scopus databases. The search terms used were: TMS, also known as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Alzheimer's disease, also known as Alzheimer's disease, and their combination. Original, randomized, doubleblind clinical trials with parallel or crossover designs for therapeutic purposes were the primary focus. Survey papers and the references refered to in the distinguished examinations were utilized to expand the quest for additional applicable writing. Only English-language studies were taken into account [4].

To determine which studies were eligible, the following inclusion criteria were utilized: 1) AD diagnosis based on well-defined diagnostic criteria, such as the DSM or the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke/Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders Association (NINCDS/ADRDA) criteria; 2) Mild to Moderate AD, as determined by the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for probable AD, a Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) score between 21 and 26 or between 10 and 20 for mild AD, and/or a 1 or 2 on the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR). In the event that present, conclusion seriousness in light of research facility results, for example, figured tomography, attractive reverberation imaging, positron discharge tomography or lumbar cut, was additionally thought of. The following additional inclusion criteria were used to even out the study comparison: 3) scores on global cognitive scales that measure cognitive performance, such as the MMSE as well as the Alzheimer Infection Evaluation Scale mental subscale (ADASpinion) — at both pattern (pre-treatment) and quickly post-treatment appraisals; ( 4) the use of rTMS protocols with a frequency of less than 5 Hz [5].


This study tested several hypotheses and implied a retrospective examination of TPS in a diverse sample of AD patients: ( I) secondary effects happened once in a while, which shows that TPS is a protected and overall very much endured; ( II) the emotional reports of the improvement of the fundamental side effect uncovered a massive impact after the treatment. A selfreported ADAS subscale of depressive symptoms also showed a significant difference; ( III) The ADAS total score and the ADAS Cog show significant cognitive improvement in patients who received TPS treatment, as shown by these preliminary findings; furthermore (IV) no massive distinction in progress as per benchmark side effect seriousness was demonstrated. However, the data suggested a slight difference between the groups with mild cognitive impairment, moderate cognitive impairment, and severe cognitive impairment: In most tests, a descriptive analysis of the data shows that patients with severe and moderate symptoms improved more than patients with mild symptoms [6].

Despite the possibility of a ceiling effect in mildly affected patients, our findings suggest that TPS is beneficial to both severe and moderately affected patients at the very least. In addition, one patient displayed an Alzheimer's clinical syndrome with non-diagnosed Alzheimer's pathological change, and two patients were identified as having the syndrome without having their biomarkers tested. The fact that this subgroup's mean scores also improved cognitively after stimulation suggests that there is no need for a pathological AD diagnosis to see an improvement. However, the small sample size (N = 3) and the fact that the non-diagnosed AD group included two patients with moderate/severe cognitive impairment as possible bias must be taken into consideration. Additionally, the difference in scores between subgroups may be due to the sample size being insufficiently representative [7,8].

Additionally, the varying sensitivities of the various neuropsychological tests may be the reason why the improvements in cognition varied between them. Since 1980, the Alzheimer's disease Assessment Scale (ADAS) has been used to evaluate the effects of anti-dementia treatments. It was created to assess the severity of cognitive and noncognitive deficits in AD, from mild to severe. The ADAS test, on the other hand, has been criticized for not being able to detect changes in Alzheimer's disease patients in the earlier stages. Because it is more difficult than other dementia tests, the MoCA is frequently used for mild cognitive impairment (MCI). It was developed to detect earlier stages of dementia. The MMSE was likewise evolved to recognize MCI, yet it is less delicate because of its absence of intricacy and nonattendance of chief capability things. These distinctions in the awareness of the tests between the phases of Promotion could likewise make sense of the various consequences of this concentrate inside the tests. In the ADAS total and ADAS Cog, the total patient group showed significant cognitive improvement, but not in the MMSE or MoCA [9].


Moreover, the patients revealed a huge improvement in emotional side effect seriousness. However, there was a significant individual variation in the scores regarding the change, suggesting a possible placebo effect. This is the first demonstration of how TPS can improve cognition in severe Alzheimer's patients; However, there are restrictions to be taken into account. To begin, there was no sham stimulation used as a control. Second, the example size is little. Patients' data were entered into a clinical database but not collected for research due to the limitations of a retrospective analysis, which resulted in some tests lacking data. In conclusion, TPS can be included as a safe and effective Alzheimer's disease supplement. Even though our findings and the initial studies show promising results, more research is required, including long-term patient outcomes. Translational research into the mechanisms of action and effects on the physiology of the cerebral network will be required, in addition to larger sham controlled trials. Effects on neurotrophic, metabolic, vascular, and (meta-) plasticity will need to be investigated.



Conflict of Interest



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