Treated Wastewater Effluent as a Potential Source of Microbial Contamination in Surface Water Resources

Journal of Microbiology and Pathology

ISSN: 2952-8119

Open Access

Brief Report - (2024) Volume 8, Issue 2

Treated Wastewater Effluent as a Potential Source of Microbial Contamination in Surface Water Resources

Jung Seok*
*Correspondence: Jung Seok, Department of Microbiology, Bohai University, Jinzhou 121013, China, Email:
Department of Microbiology, Bohai University, Jinzhou 121013, China

Received: 01-May-2024, Manuscript No. jmbp-24-138185; Editor assigned: 03-May-2024, Pre QC No. P-138185; Reviewed: 15-May-2024, QC No. Q-138185; Revised: 20-May-2024, Manuscript No. R-138185; Published: 27-May-2024 , DOI: 10.37421/2952-8119.2024.8.212
Citation: Seok, Jung. “Treated Wastewater Effluent as a Potential Source of Microbial Contamination in Surface Water Resources.” J Microbiol Pathol 8 (2024): 212.
Copyright: © 2024 Seok J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Water is a vital resource for all life forms, essential for drinking, sanitation, agriculture and industrial processes. With increasing global population and urbanization, the demand for freshwater has surged, leading to intensified water reuse strategies, including wastewater treatment and reuse. While treated wastewater effluent serves as a valuable resource for various non-potable purposes, its discharge into surface water bodies can pose significant risks due to potential microbial contamination. The treatment of wastewater is a critical process designed to remove pollutants and pathogens, rendering the water suitable for reuse or discharge into the environment [1]. However, despite advanced treatment technologies and stringent regulatory standards, treated wastewater effluent may still contain residual microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, protozoa and other pathogens. These microbial contaminants can originate from various sources, including human waste, industrial discharges and storm water runoff and can persist through the treatment process to varying degrees. Once discharged into surface water resources such as rivers, lakes and streams, treated wastewater effluent can introduce microbial contaminants into the environment, posing risks to human health and aquatic ecosystems.

People who come into contact with contaminated water for recreational activities such as swimming, fishing, or boating may be at risk of contracting waterborne diseases, including gastrointestinal infections, skin rashes and respiratory illnesses. Furthermore, aquatic organisms can also be adversely affected by exposure to microbial contaminants, leading to reduced biodiversity, ecosystem degradation and impaired water quality. Given the potential risks associated with microbial contamination from treated wastewater effluent, understanding the sources, fate and transport of microorganisms in surface water systems is essential for effective water quality management and public health protection. This review explores the current state of knowledge regarding the microbial quality of treated wastewater effluent and its implications for surface water resources. By examining the factors influencing microbial contamination, the efficacy of wastewater treatment processes and the potential health and environmental impacts, this review aims to highlight the importance of addressing microbial pollution in water resource management strategies [2].


Domestic sewage is a primary source of microbial contaminants in wastewater, containing pathogens shed from human feces and urine. These include bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. Campylobacter spp., as well as viruses like norovirus, rotavirus and hepatitis A virus. Industrial processes can introduce microbial contaminants into wastewater through various activities, including food processing, agriculture and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Pathogens may originate from animal waste, food products, or contaminated equipment, posing additional challenges for wastewater treatment. Urban runoff can transport microbial contaminants from streets, rooftops and other impervious surfaces into sewer systems, contributing to microbial pollution in wastewater. Contaminants may include fecal coliforms, Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium spp., originating from animal feces, pet waste and environmental sources. Involves physical processes such as screening, sedimentation and flotation to remove large solids and debris from wastewater [3]. Utilizes biological processes such as activated sludge, trickling filters, or oxidation ponds to biologically degrade organic matter and remove suspended Includes advanced processes such as filtration, disinfection and membrane technologies to further reduce pathogens and contaminants in treated wastewater effluent. Despite treatment, residual microorganisms may remain in treated wastewater effluent, posing risks for microbial contamination upon discharge into surface water bodies.

Microbial indicators such as fecal coliforms, E. coli, enterococci and somatic coliphages are commonly used to assess the microbial quality of treated wastewater effluent and its suitability for reuse or discharge. Studies have demonstrated the presence of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa and helminths in treated wastewater effluent, highlighting the potential for waterborne disease transmission and environmental contamination [4]. Upon discharge, microbial contaminants in treated wastewater effluent can undergo transport and transformation processes in surface water systems, influenced by factors such as flow dynamics, sedimentation, sunlight exposure and microbial interactions. Microorganisms may exhibit varying survival rates and persistence in aquatic environments, with some pathogens capable of remaining viable for extended periods under favourable conditions. The fate of microbial contaminants in surface water resources depends on factors such as water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen levels and the presence of competing microorganisms, which can affect their survival, growth and disinfection susceptibility. Exposure to microbial contaminants in surface water can result in waterborne diseases such as gastroenteritis, hepatitis, cholera and skin infections. Vulnerable populations, including children, the elderly and immunocompromised individuals, are at increased risk of illness from contaminated water. Aquatic organisms can be adversely affected by microbial contamination, leading to fish kills, algal blooms, habitat degradation and ecosystem disruption. Microbial pollutants may also bio accumulate in the food chain, posing risks to higher trophic levels [5].


In conclusion, treated wastewater effluent represents a potential source of microbial contamination in surface water resources, with implications for public health and environmental quality. Despite advancements in wastewater treatment technologies, residual microorganisms may persist in treated effluent, posing risks for microbial pollution upon discharge into aquatic environments. Effective water quality management strategies are essential to mitigate these risks, including robust monitoring programs, improved treatment processes and regulatory controls on wastewater discharge. Public education and outreach efforts can also raise awareness about the importance of safe water practices and the potential health risks associated with untreated or inadequately treated wastewater effluent. By addressing microbial contamination in surface water resources, we can safeguard human health, protect aquatic ecosystems and ensure the sustainable management of water resources for future generations.



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