Understanding the Solvability Criterion for Systems Arising from Monge–Ampère Equations

Physical Mathematics

ISSN: 2090-0902

Open Access

Mini Review - (2024) Volume 15, Issue 1

Understanding the Solvability Criterion for Systems Arising from Monge–Ampère Equations

Jane Swoboda*
*Correspondence: Jane Swoboda, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA, Email:
Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA

Received: 02-Jan-2024, Manuscript No. jpm-24-130627; Editor assigned: 04-Jan-2024, Pre QC No. P-130627; Reviewed: 16-Jan-2024, QC No. Q-130627; Revised: 22-Jan-2024, Manuscript No. R-130627; Published: 30-Jan-2024 , DOI: 10.37421/2090-0902.2024.15.465
Citation: Swoboda, Jane. “Understanding the Solvability Criterion for Systems Arising from Monge–Ampère Equations.” J Phys Math 15 (2024): 465.
Copyright: © 2024 Swoboda J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The Monge–Ampère equation, stemming from classical geometry, has found significant applications across various fields, including differential geometry, optimal transportation and even image processing. The solvability criterion for systems arising from Monge–Ampère equations plays a pivotal role in understanding the existence and uniqueness of solutions to these equations. In this article, we delve into the mathematical intricacies of this criterion, exploring its theoretical foundations and practical implications. We begin by providing an overview of the Monge–Ampère equation and its significance. Subsequently, we delve into the formulation of systems derived from this equation and elucidate the solvability criterion, discussing its mathematical underpinnings and implications in diverse contexts. Through concrete examples and applications, we illustrate the relevance and utility of this criterion in various mathematical and applied domains.


Monge–Ampère equation • Solvability criterion • Differential geometry • Optimal transportation


The Monge–Ampère equation stands as a cornerstone in the realm of differential geometry, originating from the works of Gaspard Monge and André-Marie Ampère in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, respectively. Initially conceived as a geometric problem, this equation has evolved to become a fundamental concept with far-reaching implications in mathematics and its applications. At its core, the Monge–Ampère equation describes the preservation of volume under a nonlinear transformation, making it a fundamental tool in understanding various phenomena, ranging from optimal transportation to image processing. The Monge–Ampère equation arises in the context of optimal transportation theory, where it encapsulates the notion of minimizing a certain cost functional subject to constraints on mass conservation. Formally, given two probability measures on Euclidean spaces, the Monge–Ampère equation seeks a map that transports one measure to the other while minimizing the transportation cost. Mathematically, the equation can be expressed as a nonlinear partial differential equation involving the determinant of the Hessian of an unknown function [1].

Literature Review

Systems arising from Monge–Ampère equations

While the Monge–Ampère equation provides a powerful framework for studying optimal transportation problems, many real-world scenarios necessitate considering more complex systems. These systems often arise from variations or extensions of the classical Monge–Ampère equation to incorporate additional constraints or features. For instance, in the context of image processing, one may encounter systems involving multiple images or additional regularization terms. The solvability criterion for systems arising from Monge–Ampère equations constitutes a fundamental aspect of their mathematical analysis. This criterion delineates conditions under which a system admits a unique solution, thereby providing crucial insights into the existence and stability of solutions. The theoretical foundations of this criterion often draw upon concepts from functional analysis, convex optimization and partial differential equations [2].


Systems arising from Monge–Ampère equations

While the Monge–Ampère equation provides a powerful framework for studying optimal transportation problems, many real-world scenarios necessitate considering more complex systems. These systems often arise from variations or extensions of the classical Monge–Ampère equation to incorporate additional constraints or features. For instance, in the context of image processing, one may encounter systems involving multiple images or additional regularization terms. The solvability criterion for systems arising from Monge–Ampère equations constitutes a fundamental aspect of their mathematical analysis. This criterion delineates conditions under which a system admits a unique solution, thereby providing crucial insights into the existence and stability of solutions. The theoretical foundations of this criterion often draw upon concepts from functional analysis, convex optimization and partial differential equations [2].


In conclusion, the solvability criterion for systems arising from Monge– Ampère equations stands as a crucial pillar in the mathematical analysis of these equations. By delineating conditions for the existence and uniqueness of solutions, this criterion facilitates a deeper understanding of the underlying mathematical structures and enables the development of effective computational methods. As researchers continue to explore the applications of Monge–Ampère equations in various fields, the solvability criterion remains indispensable for advancing both theoretical understanding and practical implementations.



Conflict of Interest



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