Urban Biodiversity Spatial Patterns are Influenced by Wildness and Habitat Quality

Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species

ISSN: 2332-2543

Open Access

Mini Review - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 10

Urban Biodiversity Spatial Patterns are Influenced by Wildness and Habitat Quality

German Taveira*
*Correspondence: German Taveira, Department of Territory, Environment and Landscape, University Center of the Eastern Region (CURE), University of the Republic (UdelaR), Maldonado, Uruguay, Email:
Department of Territory, Environment and Landscape, University Center of the Eastern Region (CURE), University of the Republic (UdelaR), Maldonado, Uruguay

Received: 02-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. jbes-22-82156; Editor assigned: 04-Oct-2022, Pre QC No. P-82156; Reviewed: 15-Oct-2022, QC No. Q-82156; Revised: 20-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. R-82156; Published: 26-Oct-2022 , DOI: 10.37421/2332-2543.2022.10.450
Citation: Taveira, German. “Urban Biodiversity Spatial Patterns are Influenced by Wildness and Habitat Quality.” J Biodivers Endanger Species 10 (2022): 450.
Copyright: © 2022 Taveira G. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


In order to attain conservation goals and because biological communities sustain services that humans depend on, effective planning for biodiversity in cities and towns is becoming more and more crucial as urban areas and their human populations expand. Landscape ecology has contributed significantly to the development of a significant and growing body of knowledge about urban landscapes and communities. It offers important frameworks for understanding and conserving urban biodiversity both within cities and when taking entire cities into account in their regional context. Although they are crucial factors in understanding and planning for biotic assemblages at the scale of entire cities, general city characteristics such as size, overall amount of green space, age, and regional context have received relatively little research attention. There are more studies on biodiversity in cities.


Biodiversity • Habitat quality • Landscape ecology


To apply hierarchical multi-scalar landscape ecology models to urban environments, however, is necessary because of the fine spatial scales at which urban regions are fragmented and the altered temporal dynamics compared to non-urban areas. It is still difficult to incorporate the findings of landscape-scale urban biodiversity research into design, not the least because urban green space must serve a variety of purposes. This challenge can be met with a growing number of instruments, but it also increasingly necessitates collaboration between ecologists and planners to handle biodiversity issues. Even though it is only one aspect of urban planning, protecting and enhancing biodiversity is becoming more and more significant in a world that is quickly urbanising [1].

The resources and conditions in a place that enable occupancy (including survival and reproduction) by a specific organism are known as habitat quality. In general, the intensity of neighbouring land use affects the quality of the ecosystem. The creation of ecosystem services and biodiversity are closely related to one another. It is spatial in nature and can be calculated by looking at land use maps and risks to the habitat of the species. In order to estimate the variety of habitats and vegetation types present throughout the landscape as well as the degree of degradation, habitat quality and rarity can be employed as proxies for biodiversity. Therefore, habitat quality is crucial to how ecosystems adapt and can provide a reliable indicator of the extent of regional ecological services. The resources and environmental factors in a place that allow for the survival and reproduction of organisms are known as the habitat. In this study, the term "urban habitat" refers to the whole of all habitat types found in urban areas, all of which have an impact on the shape, function, and future course of urban development. Urban habitat quality, which assesses how well an urban setting can support circumstances for biological survival and sustainable development, has gained recognition recently. It determines the sustainable and harmonious growth of people and other organisms, and it represents the level of urban biodiversity. Germany served as the project leader for a number of multi-scale urban habitat mapping and habitat quality assessment studies that involved Sweden, the Netherlands, Greece, Turkey, Spain, and other European nations [2].

Given that habitat is essential to the survival of species and can offer several ecosystem services to people, its significance has recently received widespread recognition from both social and ecological viewpoints. Highquality habitats typically have an ecology that is fairly complete, more stable in terms of both structure and function, and capable of recovering fast after disturbance. However, a number of variables, including the state of the land, the local natural environment, the state of the social economy, and others, might affect habitat quality. Anthropogenic influences, notably the changes to the landscape pattern that are thought to be crucial in the degradation of habitat quality, are posing a growing danger to habitat protection with urbanisation and construction in emerging nations. Changes in landscape patterns have the potential to fundamentally change the structure and composition of the ecosystem [3].


As a result of the fact that the natural biodiversity found in a city is invariably a subset of the species pool in the larger surrounding area, the context of a city's location can have a significant impact on its biodiversity. Although latitudinal species richness gradients are noticeably shorter across urban sites than rural ones at both the global and national scales, tropical cities include more native species than temperate ones. Independent of this latitudinal gradient, cities often support a smaller percentage of the regional species pool as regional biodiversity rises. The causes of this are unclear, however it may result from the high species richness of tropical regions, which may be due to the higher proportion of specialists there, but such species rarely thrive in urban environments. Additionally, the climate zone in which a city is located might affect how the biodiversity reacts to urbanisation. Cities located in arid regions may have a less pronounced loss of biodiversity than cities in other regions. This may be due in part to the habitat-matching hypothesis, which contends that local native species adapt to urbanisation better when it produces habitats that are more like those in which they naturally occur. The openness of urban parks and gardens is more comparable to the open habitats that Predominate arid regions than it is to the dense natural vegetation that typically occurs in mesic regions. The fact that open-country species rather than rainforest species predominate in the avifauna of tropical towns may also be explained by this habitat-matching hypothesis [4].

Changes in the layout of the landscape will correspond with changes in the biodiversity and ecosystem's makeup. The regional shift in biodiversity and landscape pattern can be seen directly through changes in habitat quality. The study of landscape pattern evolution and habitat quality links brought on by land use change offers a solution to the issue of ecological security as a number of ecological and environmental concerns at the landscape and species levels emerge. Numerous academics have studied this topic since the 1990s in an effort to develop a scientific basis for evaluating ecological changes, creating regional ecological conservation strategies, and making sustainable use of land resources [5].


The resources and environmental factors in a place that allow for the survival and reproduction of organisms are known as the habitat. In this study, the term "urban habitat" refers to the whole of all habitat types found in urban areas, all of which have an impact on the shape, function, and future course of urban development. Urban habitat quality, which assesses how well an urban setting can support circumstances for biological survival and sustainable development, has gained recognition recently. It determines the sustainable and harmonious growth of people and other organisms, and it represents the level of urban biodiversity. Germany served as the project leader for a number of multi-scale urban habitat mapping and habitat quality assessment studies that involved Sweden, the Netherlands, Greece, Turkey, Spain, and other European nations.



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