Vitamin D: A Review and Proposed Evidence for Treatment or Prevention in COVID-19

Vitamins & Minerals

ISSN: 2376-1318

Open Access

Review - (2020) Volume 9, Issue 2

Vitamin D: A Review and Proposed Evidence for Treatment or Prevention in COVID-19

Singh N1*, Suthar B1, Mehta A1, Shukla S2 and Pandey A3
*Correspondence: Singh N, Flax Laboratories, B-29/1, Mahad MIDC, Taluka- Mahad, Dist.-Raigad, Maharashtra, India, Tel: 7869031999, Email:
1Flax Laboratories, B-29/1, Mahad MIDC, Taluka- Mahad, India
2Department of Chemistry, Shree Cloth Market Institute of Professional Studies (SCMIPS), Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
3Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India

Received: 15-May-2020 Published: 25-Jun-2020 , DOI: 10.37421/2376-1318.2020.9.188
Citation: Singh Nimesh, Suthar Bharat, Mehta Abhay, and Shukla Singh, et al. “Vitamin D: A Review and Proposed Evidence for Treatment or Prevention in COVID-19.” Vitam Miner (2020): S8-001. doi: 10.37421/VTE.2020.S8-001.
Copyright: © 2020 Singh N, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


WHO declared SARS-CoV-2 a worldwide pandemic. The ambitions of this paper are to assess if there is any affiliation between mean levels of diet D in various countries and cases respectively mortality because of COVID-19. Low vitamin d repute in winter allows viral epidemics. During iciness, those who do not take nutrition d supplements are possibly to have low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25 (OH)D] concentrations. Nutrition D can reduce the chance of viral epidemics and pandemics in numerous approaches. First, better 25 (OH)D concentrations lessen the chance of many continual illnesses, together with cancers, cardiovascular sickness, continual Respiratory Tract Infections (RTIs), diabetes mellitus, and high blood pressure. Patients with continual sicknesses have a drastically higher threat of dying from RTIs than otherwise wholesome human beings. In the 2D, nutrition D reduces the risk of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections (ARTIs) through three mechanisms: keeping tight junctions, killing enveloped viruses through induction of cathelicidin and defensins, and reducing the production of proinflammatory cytokines by means of the innate immune machine, thereby decreasing the hazard of a cytokine hurricane leading to pneumonia. Observational and supplementation trials have pronounced higher 25 (OH)D concentrations associated with decreased threat of dengue, hepatitis, herpes virus, hepatitis b, and c viruses, human immunodeficiency virus, influenza, breathing syncytial virus infections, and pneumonia. Effects of a community discipline trial pronounced herein indicated that 25 (OH)D concentrations above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/l) vs. <20 ng/ml have been associated with a 27% discount in influenzalike ailments. From the available evidence, we hypothesize that raising serum 25 (OH)D concentrations through nutrition d supplementation may want to lessen the occurrence, severity, and chance of dying from influenza, pneumonia, and the cutting-edge COVID-19 epidemic.


COVID-19 • SARS-CoV2 • Corona virus • Vitamin D • Cholecalciferol • Calcitriol


Vitamin D is a gathering of fat-solvent secosteroids liable for expanding intestinal assimilation of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, and numerous other organic effects [1]. In people, the most significant mixes in this gathering are nutrient D3 (otherwise called cholecalciferol) and nutrient D2 (Ergocalciferol) [2].

The significant regular wellspring of the nutrient is a combination of cholecalciferol in the lower layers of skin epidermis through a substance response that is reliant on sun presentation (explicitly UVB radiation) [3,4]. Cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol can be ingested from the eating routine and from supplements [5,6]. Only a couple of nourishments, for example, the tissue of greasy fish, normally contain huge measures of Vitamin D [7,8]. In the U.S. what's more, different nations, dairy animals' milk, and plant-inferred milk substitutes are sustained with Vitamin D, as are many breakfast grains. Mushrooms presented to bright light contribute helpful measures of nutrient D [7]. Dietary proposals normally expect that the entirety of an individual's Vitamin D is taken by mouth, as sun presentation in the populace is variable and suggestions about the measure of sun introduction that is sheltered are questionable taking into account the skin malignant growth risk [7].

Respiratory tract diseases are conditions that influence the air sections. These incorporate intense contaminations that influence the lower respiratory tract and lungs, for example, pneumonia and flu, which are among the main sources of death in kids overall [8,9]. In 2015, 16% of all passing in youngsters under five years old were credited to pneumonia [9]. These conditions may likewise affect personal satisfaction [10]. In this way, it is essential to discover mediations that could forestall respiratory conditions.

Vitamin D is a fat-dissolvable nutrient, not quite the same as others in that a significant source gets from UV light-incited change of its antecedent under the skin. Dietary sources incorporate braced nourishments and enhancements. Studies have shown that there is a high pervasiveness of Vitamin D insufficiency overall [11,12]. Vitamin D lack may influence the resistant framework as Vitamin D assumes an immunomodulation job, improving natural invulnerability by up-managing the articulation and discharge of antimicrobial peptides, which supports mucosal barriers [13-16]. Besides, late meta-examinations have announced a defensive impact of Vitamin D supplementation on respiratory tract contaminations [17-20]. Subsequently, in this critique, we investigated the materialness of such intercession and execution in settings with constrained assets dependent on these four efficient surveys and meta-examinations.

As stated earlier that WHO pronounced SARS-CoV-2 a worldwide pandemic. Little is thought about the potential defensive variables. Past examinations recognized a relationship between more elevated levels of ACE2 and better coronavirus illness wellbeing results. In the lung, ACE2 secures against intense lung injury [21]. Calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyVitamin D3) applies pronouncedly impacts on ACE2/Ang (1–7)/MasR hub with the upgraded articulation of ACE2 [22]. The essential points of this investigation are to survey if there is any relationship between the mean degrees of Vitamin D in different nations and the mortality brought about by COVID-19. The optional point was to distinguish if there is any relationship between the mean nutrient D levels in different nations and the number of instances of COVID-19.

The connection between Vitamin D insufficiency and vulnerability to disease has been recommended for longer than a century, with the early perception that youngsters with dietary rickets were bound to encounter contaminations of the respiratory framework, prompting the instituting of the adage "rachitic lung" [23]. The segregation of nutrient D3 from cod liver oil, which was utilized to treat Tuberculosis (TB) during the 1930s, prompted it's across the board use in TB treatment and anticipation until the presentation of anti-infective chemotherapy during the 1950s [24]. All the more as of late, epidemiologic investigations have exhibited solid relationship between regular varieties in Vitamin D levels and the frequency of different irresistible illnesses, including septic stun, respiratory disease, and flu [25-28].

Our comprehension of Vitamin D digestion and its extra skeletal capacities has improved impressively during the previous three decades. The revelation that Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) and 1α-hydroxylase, the chemical vital for change of Vitamin D into its dynamic structure, are available in cells of the safe framework, including flowing mononuclear cells, has reformed the field of Vitamin D immunology [29,30]. Besides, the revelation of non-skeletal elements of Vitamin D has revitalized enthusiasm for nutrient D as a potential modulator in an assortment of malady states [31-33]. Late investigations have shown that Vitamin D manages the declaration of explicit endogenous antimicrobial peptides in invulnerable cells; this activity prompts a potential job for Vitamin D in regulating the insusceptible reaction to different irresistible infections [34].

Literature Review

Vitamin D and bacterial infections

The spearheading work by Rook et al. and Crowle et al. during the 1980s showed that Vitamin D upgraded bactericidal action of human macrophages against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative operator of TB [33,34]. This revelation prompted another period of enthusiasm with respect to the job of Vitamin D in deciding pathogenesis and the resistant reaction to bacterial pathogens. Liu et al. gave a key component to how Vitamin D may upgrade intrinsic invulnerability [35]. This gathering showed that incitement of macrophage-bound Toll-like receptor 2/1 complex by M tuberculosisdetermined antigens up-regulates the outflow of both VDR and CYP27b1, a compound that changes over 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) to its dynamic 1,25-dihydroxy Vitamin D [1,25- (OH) 2D] structure. Intracellular 1,25- (OH)2D produced however activity of CYP27b1 then communicates with the VDR and prompts enlistment of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin and executing of intracellular M tuberculosis [11]. In the condition of nutrient D lack, the contaminated macrophage can't create adequate 1,25- (OH)2D to upregulate the creation of cathelicidin [36].

Vitamin D and upper respiratory tract viral infections

Four of the 7 previously mentioned examinations assessed the recurrence of respiratory tract contamination or flu in nutrient D-treated patients in correlation with control subjects [37,38]. An early preliminary by Rehman most intently takes after a case-control study; 27 kids were chosen based on a clinical history of repetitive respiratory or anti-infection requiring ailment and combined with age-coordinated control subjects recorded to be liberated from intermittent contamination [35]. The ensuing investigation uncovered the repetitive disease gathering to have a lot higher commonness of subclinical rickets (that is, pediatric Vitamin D lack) and a diminished repeat of respiratory contamination after a course of forceful Vitamin D repletion, given as 60,000 IU week by week for about a month and a half [28]. In spite of its promising outcomes, in any case, the investigation is dependent upon a few traps, including the nonappearance of a fake treatment control arm, constrained example size, and restricted documentation with respect to the adequacy of the picked Vitamin D repletion routine, which may influence the generalizability and in the general translation of the results [39].

COVID-19 and Vitamin D supplementation

Vitamin D is a secosteroid hormone created by the skin during summer introduction to UVB beams. Hypovitaminosis D is basic in winter (October to March) at Northern scopes over 20 degrees north, and from April to September at Southern scopes past 20 degrees beneath the equator. Previously, Coronaviruses and flu infections have displayed high regularity, with episodes happening especially throughout the winter. The COVID-19 pandemic is in fact increasingly serious above winter scopes of 20 degrees, while it stays up to this pointless extreme in the Southern half of the globe, with a much lower number of passing. Research additionally shows that Vitamin D assumes a job in adjusting RAS and in lessening lung harm. Despite what might be expected, ceaseless hypovitaminosis D incites pneumonic fibrosis through the initiation of RAS. Thus, hypovitaminosis D has been unequivocally related in the writing with ARDS, just as with a pejorative indispensable guess in revival yet in addition to geriatric units, and with different comorbidities related to passing during SARS-CoV-2 diseases. On the other hand, Vitamin D supplementation has been accounted for to expand.

High-portion oral Vitamin D3 supplementation has been appeared to diminish transient mortality in revival patients with serious hypovitaminosis D (17% total hazard decrease). It is viewed as protected to take oral Vitamin D supplementation at dosages up to 10,000 IU/day for brief periods, especially in more seasoned grown-ups, for example, a populace that is generally influenced by hypovitaminosis D and who ought to get at any rate 1,500 IU of Vitamin D every day to guarantee palatable Vitamin D status.

Vitamin D supplementation is referenced as a conceivably intriguing treatment for SARS-CoV-2 contamination however consistently with a low degree of proof as of not long ago. We theorize that high-portion Vitamin D supplementation improves the visualization of more seasoned patients determined to have COVID-19 contrasted with a standard portion of Vitamin D [40].

In vitro proof for Vitamin D's job in insusceptibility and disease

There is in vitro proof that Vitamin D is associated with insusceptible cell reactions to some popular and bacterial respiratory pathogens. Vitamin D appears to up-regulate qualities engaged with reactions in resistant cells that are presented to Streptococcus pneumoniae [41]. There are research facility contemplates indicating that respiratory epithelial cells can change over Vitamin D to its dynamic structure and that Vitamin D metabolites increment cytokines engaged with insusceptibility in light of respiratory infections. Be that as it may, Vitamin D metabolites don't appear to forestall viral replication in cell societies [42,43].

Clinical evidence in COVID-19

We searched PubMed and Google Scholar for studies that included terms for Vitamin D and COVID-19. We found no trials of Vitamin D in COVID-19 that has reported results. We did find several studies that are registered, but have not yet reported. None seemed to be masked comparisons to placebo.

Conclusion and Further Research

Extra preliminaries testing distinctive dosing regimens (level of portion and interims) are required before executing this at a populace level. Likewise, preliminaries ought to catch up members sufficiently long to comprehend if Vitamin D is as yet viable once Vitamin D status is ideal, as once Vitamin D insufficiency is remedied, giving more Vitamin D supplementation may not give extra advantages. As of now, there are other randomized controlled preliminaries testing the impacts of Vitamin D on the danger of intense respiratory tract contamination, which could help explain a portion of these issues. Also, future examinations need to report adherence to the mediation to more readily comprehend if the incorporation of non-follower members would inclination the outcomes revealed up until this point.


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