World Congress on Pathology and Clinical Practice

Journal of Antimicrobial Agents

ISSN: 2472-1212

Open Access

Young Research Forum - (2021) Volume 7, Issue 6

World Congress on Pathology and Clinical Practice

Maria J Worshan
1Wayne State University, USA

Received: 17-Jun-2021 Published: 30-Jun-2021

Young Researchers Forum

Conference Series is honored to announce its w ebinar “ 2nd World Congress on Pathology and Clinical Practice during October 05-06, 2020 with the theme of the Conference is “ Pathology – from diagnosis to patient care.” .

[Pathology Congress 2020] Young Scientist Awards:

The committee members of PathologyCongress-2020 is meant to priv ilege prestigious aw ard for brilliant Young researchers, Scientists, Young Inv estigators, Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, Junior faculty in perception of their outstanding contribution tow ards their research associated with the Conference theme. The main aim is to meet and encourage the know ledge by activ e participation. PathologyCongress-2020 will encourage Young Researchers, Phy sicians to enlighten themselv es in hav ing a good career graph.

The aw ards encourage the profile of talented researchers and qualified members in v arious scientific fields to bring out with new thoughts and goals. These aw ards can add more strength to their uplifted career. The great ex posure with professional scientists from all ov er the world will be helpful to Young Researchers.

Only 25 Presentations are accepted at Pathology Congress 2020


• Show case y our research through oral presentations.

• Learn about career dev elopment and the latest research tools and technologies in y our field.

• This forum will giv e pertinent and timely information to those who conduct research and those who use and benefit from research..

• Dev elop a foundation for collaboration among y oung researchers.

• The forum will prov ide an opportunity for collegial interaction with other y oung inv estigators and established senior inv estigators across the globe..

• Interact and share ideas with both peers and mentors.

• Opportunity for y oung researchers to learn about the research areas of their peers to increase their capacity as multidisciplinary researchers.

• Its a great priv ilege for y oung researchers to learn about the research areas for ex panding their research know ledge


1. Young Inv estigators, Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, Junior faculty with a minimum of 5 y ears of research ex perience.

2. Presentation must be into scientific sessions of the conference.

3. Each Young Researcher / Young Scientist can submit only one paper (as first author or co-author).

4. Age limit-Under 35y rs

5. All submissions must be in English.

PathologyCongress-2020 prov ides best platform to inflate your network, where y ou can connect scientists, authorities and CROs from around the w orld. It’s y our time to seize the moment to join PathologyCongress-2020 for promoting y our research article and to ease prestigious aw ard in all categories.

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