
Physical Mathematics

ISSN: 2090-0902

Open Access

Current Issue

Volume 12, Issue 2 (2021)

    Commentary Pages: 1 - 1

    Cumulative Number Distribution of Charged Particles Produced

    Andreas Wagner

    We propose a traditional simple of the vertex variable based math with regards to old style integrable field hypotheses. We utilize this principal idea to depict the helper capacity of the direct assistant issue as an old style vertex administrator. At that point utilizing the fundamental variable based math fulfilled by the helper work along with the straight assistant issue we distinguish the neighborhood integrals of movement, which by development are in involution. The time segments of the lax pair are likewise distinguished as far as the traditional vertex administrators. Frameworks within the sight of point like deformities just as frameworks on the semi-boundless line are explored. Explicit models related to the traditional Yangian and bent Yangian is additionally introduced

    Editorial Pages: 1 - 2

    Editorial on Vertex operators

    Andreas Wagner

    We propose a traditional simple of the vertex polynomial math with regards to old style integrable field speculations. We utilize this principal thought to portray the assistant capacity of the direct helper issue as a traditional vertex administrator. At that point utilizing the hidden polynomial math fulfilled by the helper work along with the direct assistant issue we distinguish the neighbourhood integrals of movement, which by development are in involution. The time segments of the lax pair are additionally recognized as far as the traditional vertex administrators. Frameworks within the sight of point like imperfections just as frameworks on the semi-endless line are researched. Explicit models related to the traditional Yangian and curved Yangian are additionally introduced.

    Perspective Pages: 1 - 2

    Journal of Physical Design and development

    Andreas Wagner

    These paper audits parts of VLSI creation innovation and the related plan and plan mechanization methods to make way for the introduction of those papers in actual plan and approval that were chosen as the most persuasive DATE distributions over the most recent 10 years.

    Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

    Generalization of Topology

    Vahid Satarifard

    A mathematical space may be a set furnished with a style, referred to as a geographics, which allows characterizing uninterrupted misshaping of sub-spaces, and, all the additional by and enormous, a good vary of progression. Euclidian areas, and, all the additional by and enormous, metric areas square measure instances of a mathematical space, as any distance or metric characterizes a geographics. The misshapenness that square measure thought of in geographics square measure homeomorphisms and homotopy.

    Perspective Pages: 1 - 2

    Analysis of Linear Algebra

    Jayson Freddie Cooper

    Direct variable based math is a field of arithmetic that is all around consented to be an essential to a more profound comprehension of AI.  
    Albeit direct variable based math is an enormous field with numerous elusive hypotheses and discoveries, the stray pieces devices and documentations taken from the field are functional for AI experts. With a strong establishment of what straight variable based math is, it is conceivable to zero in on the great or important parts.  
    In this instructional exercise, you will find what precisely direct variable based math is from an AI point of view.

    Volume 12, Issue 4 (2021)

      Mini Review Pages: 1 - 3

      The Mystery of Time: A New Solution for Dark Matter and a Better Understanding of Quantum Mechanics

      Saoussan Kallel-Jallouli

      Time is not a simple subject. A complete description of time remained an unsolved problem for many decades. In this work, we propose the hypothetical existence of invisible unusual stuff, named “Zaman”, responsible for the variations of time. We explain how this new geometrical model of Zaman creates a kind of strong lensing effect: We can get two images, three images, or more, of the same object. We then conclude how Zaman offers a good solution to the Dark Matter problem. Moreover, this unusual stuff can explain the superposition principle of quantum mechanics. This new vision of time helps us understand better our physical universe, on tiny scales and on large scales.

      Short Communication Pages: 1 - 2

      The Quantum Equations of Numbers and Numerical Functions and Real Quantum Marker and Relation of the Degradation of Matter

      Mohamed Daris

      In carrying out this work we have the great uncertainty of finding quantum solutions of digital functions. this work is done for the design of the quantum solutions of the numerical functions so that the reading of the digital numbers is more precise and detaches the numerical number of its own mathematical cellar and to release it in a quantum cube which will be to find equations much more complicated that thanks to digitized graphics to be more precise in our work. So we made the quantum marker based on these equations and on other demonstrations so that it is ready to use in digital functions.

      Review Article Pages: 1 - 5

      G-d's Physics: Its "Time" for "Geula"!

      Jehonathan Bentovish*

      Twenty-first Theoretical Physics is undergoing a major "Paradigmatic-Shift" from the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm to the New "A-Causal Computation" of the "Computational Unified Field Theory" (CUFT), also recently termed: "G-d's Physics" Paradigm! Contrary to the "Material-Causal" Paradigm which assumes that every physical subatomic or relativistic phenomenon can be explained merely through direct physical interactions between a subatomic "probe" and "target" (probability wave function) elements or between massive objects and their curvature of Space-Time (as described by Einstein's Relativistic Equations); The New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm negates the possibility of any such "Material-Causal" physical relationships due to the simultaneity of a singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle's" (UCP) computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe for each consecutive "Universal Frames" comprising the entire physical cosmos at every minimal "time-point", e.g., computed at the rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'! This New "A-Causal Computation" Paradigm for 21st Century Theoretical Physics opens a plethora of new fascinating possibilities such as the unification of Relativity Theory and Quantum Mechanics, a complete unification of the four basic physical features of "space" and "energy", "mass" and "time" as secondary integral computational by-products of the UCP's singular operation, the possibility of transcending the strict relativistic "Speed of Light Barrier" for transmission of any signal or physical effect across space and time, "time-reversal" and even the "abolishment of death"! G-d's Physics New Paradigm has also been shown to challenge and revise the basic "Material-Causal" assumption underlying the "Big-Bang" Model, Einstein's Equations, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, discard the purely hypothetical concepts of "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" as "superfluous" (non-existent) and more generally also of Darwin's Evolutionary Natural Selection Principle! This article unifies the Four basic Forces known in Nature as a manifestation of the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm's evolution of this singular Universal Consciousness Principle's full manifestation – from the limited "Material-Causal" assumption towards its fully expansive and integrated "Perfected" – Morally, Spiritually and even Physically "Geula" (Redemption) State of Humanity and the Universe!

      Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

      'G-d's Physics' (CUFT) New Physics' Paradigm: "Miracles" Can Happen!?

      Jehonathan Bentovish*

      Twenty-first Theoretical Physics is undergoing a profound "Paradigmatic-Shift" from the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm underlying both Relativity Theory (RT) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) to the New "G-d's Physics" ("Computational Unified Field Theory", CUFT) Paradigm; The New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm has been shown capable of resolving the apparent "theoretical inconsistency" between Relativity Theory (RT) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) and offer an alternative theoretical explanation for the accelerated expansion of the physical universe (which cannot be explained by the purely hypothetical and undetectable "dark-matter" and "darkenergy" concepts); Based on the discovery of a singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) which simultaneously computes every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'(!) this New 21st Century Physics Paradigm challenged and revised the basic "Material-Causal" assumption of the Old 20th century Old RT & QM Models: challenging the "Big-Bang" Model, Einstein's Equations, QM's assumed "collapse" of the target's probability wave function (following its assumed direct physical interaction with the corresponding subatomic probe element) etc. Instead, due to the New 'G-d's Physics' additional "Computational Invariance Principle" and "Universal Consciousness Reality" theoretical postulates indicating that only the "computationally invariant" UCP may be considered as "constant" and "real", whereas the "computationally variant" four basic physical features of "space", "energy", "mass" and "time" may only be regarded as "phenomenal" and "transient" – i.e., existing only "during" each consecutive "Universal Frame" (UF) being solely computed by the singular UCP, but "dissolving" back into this singular UCP "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames; forces us to regard the whole existence of the entire physical universe (and its associated apparent "physical laws") as existing only "transiently" and "phenomenally" – as "manifestations" of this singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Reality" (UCR)!

      Short Communication Pages: 1 - 1

      The Cosmological, Constant Problem, and the Vacuum Energy Density

      Alberto Miró Morán*

      The cosmological constant problem or vacuum catastrophe is localized in the convergence between general relativity and quantum field theory, it is considered as a fundamental problem in modern physics. In this paper we describe a different point of view of this problem. We discuss problem could depend to different definition of the vacuum energy density.

      Volume 12, Issue 3 (2021)

        Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

        G-d's Physics New 21st Century Paradigm: From "Law" to "Mercy"

        Jehonathan Bentovish*

        Twenty-first Century Physics is undergoing a Major "Paradigmatic-Shift" from the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm to the New "A-Causal Computation" (ACC) Paradigm associated with the "Computational Unified Field Theory" (CUFT), also called: "G-d's Physics". Based on the CUFT's discovery of a new singular higherordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) which simultaneously computes every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe for each consecutive "Universal Frame" (UF) at the incredibly rapid rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 (sec')! this New 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm of 21st Century Theoretical Physics dramatically revises some of the basic assumptions underlying the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm: It challenged and revised the "Big-Bang" Model, Einstein's Equations, and discarded "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" as being "superfluous" (i.e., non-existent!) due to the UCP's simultaneous computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels for each consecutive UF's frame/s! Based on another "Computational Invariance Principle" postulate of this New 21st Century 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm asserting that only the UCP may be regarded as "computationally-invariant", whereas the four basic physical features of "space", "energy", "mass" and "time" can only be considered as "transient", "phenomenal" ("computationally-variant") manifestations of this singular higher-ordered UCP; it is derived that the entire physical universe is governed solely based on the characteristics of this singular higher-ordered "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCP)-one of which is "Goodwill", e.g., the propensity to sustain all Life, to bestow "Goodness" and evolve the entire universe towards an ultimate Perfected State (Physically, Morally and Spiritually), called "Geula" in Jewish Tradition.

        Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

        "G-d's Physics": From Arbitrary Physical & Biological "Evolution" towards a Universal Consciousness Reality's (UCR) Directed Morally-Perfected ("Geula") Universe!

        Bentovish Jehonathan*

        Twenty-first century Theoretical Physics is undergoing a major "Paradigmatic-Shift" from the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm of Relativity Theory (RT) & Quantum Mechanics (QM) to the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm; This New 'G-d's Physics' (Computational Unified Field Theory, CUFT) Paradigm has been published in over thirty peer-reviewed articles and Books and has been shown capable of resolving the apparent "theoretical inconsistency" between RT & QM; It also discovering the existence of a singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) that simultaneously computes every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'(!) giving rise to an incredibly rapid series of "Universal Frames" (UF's) comprising the entire physical universe (which "dissolves" back into the singularity of the UCP 'in-between' any two consecutive UF's frames!) This New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm is also shown to challenge and negate key RT & QM 'Material-Causal' assumptions such as: the 'Big-Bang; Model, Einstein's Equations and the "collapse" of the probability wave function. This article evinces that the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm similarly negates Darwin's Natural Selection Principle (DNSP) dual 'MaterialCausal' assumptions due to the simultaneity of the UCP's computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels for each consecutive UF's frame! Instead, the New 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm points at the UCP's singular, higher-ordered characteristics of the "Ten Laws of Hierarchical Manifestation" including: "Free-Will", "Good-Will", the "Dynamic-Equilibrium" Moral Principle and its selection of one of multiple "possible future/s" based on the Moral Choice/s of each Individual Human Consciousness (at any point in time); and the UCP's "Reversed Time Goal Hypothesis" which completely integrates between all Physical, Biological and Moral developments-pointing at the UCP's Ultimate "Geula" (e.g., Physical, Moral & Spiritual "Perfected State") Goal of the universe, towards which this singular "Universal Consciousness Reality" continuously advances the entire physical universe and Humanity!

        Review Article Pages: 1 - 6

        "G-d's Physics": On the True Nature of "DarkEnergy" & "Dark-Matter"

        Jehonathan Bentovish

        Paradigm associated with the "Computational Unified Field Theory" (CUFT), also called: "G-d's Physics". Based on the CUFT's discovery of a new singular higherordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) which simultaneously computes every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe for each consecutive "Universal Frame" (UF) at the incredibly rapid rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 (sec')! this New 'A-Causal Computation' Paradigm of 21st Century Theoretical Physics dramatically revises some of the basic assumptions underlying the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm: It challenged and revised the "Big-Bang" Model, Einstein's Equations, and discarded "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" as being "superfluous" (i.e., non-existent!) due to the UCP's simultaneous computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels for each consecutive UF's frame/s! Based on another "Computational Invariance Principle" postulate of this New 21st Century 'G-d's Physics' Paradigm asserting that only the UCP may be regarded as "computationally-invariant", whereas the four basic physical features of "space", "energy", "mass" and "time" can only be considered as "transient", "phenomenal" ("computationally-variant") manifestations of this singular higher-ordered UCP; it is derived that the entire physical universe is governed solely based on the characteristics of this singular higher-ordered "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCP)-one of which is "Goodwill", e.g., the propensity to sustain all Life, to bestow "Goodness" and evolve the entire universe towards an ultimate Perfected State (Physically, Morally and Spiritually), called "Geula" in Jewish Tradition.

        Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

        "G-d's Physics" New 21st Century Paradigm: A Complete Integration of "Space" & "Energy", "Mass" & "Time"!

        Jehonathan Bentovish

        Twenty-first Century Theoretical Physicsis undergoing a "Paradigmatic-Shift" (akin to Einstein's Relativity Theory (RT) "Paradigmatic Shift" over 100 years ago) from the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm underlying both RT and Quantum Mechanics (QM) to the New "Computational Unified Field Theory" (CUFT), recently called" "G-d's Physics" New Paradigm! This New "G-d's Physics" Paradigmatic-Shift was called for due to the apparent "theoretical inconsistency" between the two "pillars" of the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm, i.e., RT & QM, as well as the inability of the Old Paradigm to account for up to 95% of all the mass and energy concepts that could not be verified empirically; The New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm is based on the discovery of a singular, higher-ordered "Universal Computational Principle" (UCP) which simultaneously computes all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe for each consecutive "Universal Frame/s" (UF) at the unfathomable rate of "c2/h"=1.36-50 (sec'), with the entire universe "dissolving" into the UCP's singularity "in-between" any two consecutive UF's frames! This New "G-d's Physics" A-Causal Computation Paradigm was shown to challenge, negate and revise some of the most fundamental assumptions of the Old "MaterialCausal" Paradigm such as: the "Big-Bang" Model, Einstein's Equations, discarding of "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" as "superfluous" (non-existent!) and QM's "material-causal" assumption regarding the "collapse" of the probability wave function due to its assumed direct physical interaction with another subatomic "probe" element. A few key new "Theoretical Postulates" of the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm include: the "Universal Computational Formula" shown capable of unifying the Four basic Forces, as well as the four basic physical features of "space", "energy", "mass" and "time", and integrate all key relativistic and quantum laws and relationships. Nevertheless, "G-d's Physics" New "A-Causal Computation" Paradigm points at the complete dependency of the UCP's simultaneous computation of all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe upon the UCP's "Ten Laws of Hierarchical Manifestation" which include: its Three "Computational Dimensions", "Supra Spatial-Temporal Reservoir", "Dynamic-Equilibrium Moral Principle", "Expansion of Consciousness (Hypothesis)", Collective Human Consciousness Focus (Hypothesis)", "Reversed-Time Goal Hypothesis", "Good-Will" & "Free-Will" characterizations of the UCP; Therefore, the New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm of 21st Century Physics portrays an entirely "New Universe" – which completely depends on the UCP's continuous computation- "dissolution" sustenance- and evolutionof all exhaustive spatial pixels comprising the universe towards the "Ultimate Goal" o a "Perfected: Physically, Morally and Spiritually" State of the World (and Humanity) which realizesthe Singularity, "Unity" and "Goodness" of this "Universal Consciousness Reality", called: "Geula" in Jewish Tradition!

        Review Article Pages: 1 - 4

        The New 'G-d's Physics Twenty-First Century Paradigm: A Morally Perfected (Geula) Directed New physics Universe

        Jehonathan Bentovish

        Twenty-first Century Theoretical Physics is in a state of a "Paradigmatic-Crisis" wherein the two pillars of the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm (Relativity Theory & Quantum Mechanics) seem "inconsistent" and up to 95% of all the energy and mass in the universe cannot be directly accounted for, e.g., deemed as "DarkEnergy" and "Dark-Matter"?! Indeed, the quest for a satisfactory answer for these two primary conundrums: resolving the basic RT-QM inconsistency and explaining what precisely comprises these (purely hypothetical) "Dark-Matter", "Dark-Energy" concepts are most likely the most important topics – to be resolved by any (satisfactory) 21st Century Physics' "New Paradigm"! Fortunately, such a New "Computational Unified Field Theory" (CUFT), lately termed: "G-d's Physics" Paradigm provides satisfactory answers for these two critical fundamental issues; "G-d's Physics" was shown to resolve the apparent RT-QM "theoretical inconsistency" based on the discovery of a new singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) which simultaneously computes every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec', creating an extremely rapid series of "Universal Frames" (UF's) comprising the entire physical universe at every "minimal time-point"! Specifically, this New "G-d's Physics" Paradigm explains the fundamental nature of "Dark- Matter" and "Dark-Energy" in a completely new manner – i.e., as representing the operation of the singular higher-ordered UCP's "A-Causal Computation"! Hence, instead of "Dark-Matter" and "DarkMatter" comprising actual "material" (hypothetical) elements, the New 21st Century "G-d's Physics" Paradigm explains these constructs as merely a manifestation of the singular higher-ordered UCP's accelerated addition of exhaustive spatial pixels for each consecutive UF's frame/s. Viewed in this new light, the real "cause" for the universe's accelerated expansion – is not found in any "material" or "physical" entities, but is rather contingent upon the successive simultaneous computation- "dissolution" re-computation and evolution of each exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'!

        Mathematics of Rival theories of Relativity. (2021)

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