A different comment at the rules of classical physics, quantum physics and general relativity to discover the secret of creation

Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology

ISSN: 2329-6542

Open Access

A different comment at the rules of classical physics, quantum physics and general relativity to discover the secret of creation

6th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics

May 16-17, 2019 | Rome, Italy

Jafar Oshriyeh

Senior Engineer and independent Researcher

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Astrophys Aerospace Technol

Abstract :

Statement in this article, we study the rules of classical physics, quantum physics and the theory of general relativity from different angles. We compare the rules of classical and quantum physics with the mathematical rules that created them by ourselves. If we look at the world around us from the perspective of creatures like computers, intelligent software and math basics then we will understand whether is there a creator in the world or not? And what is the secret of the creation of the universe is the diversity of the physics laws and the regularity and solidarity between them and finally how can we explain the nature of god? This article looks simple but different and interprets physics laws via new ways and compares the rules of mathematics with classic and modern physics and Einstein's general relativity and gives them existence to create new argues. It looks like this article looks at the rules of the universe from a new angle that nobody has ever looked at it and tries to find a meaningful relationship between the various laws of physics in the world. We present a new definition of time and eventually prove that the world is designed and planned by god.

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