Accurate first-principle calculations of the spectra of diatomic molecules in planetary atmospheres

Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology

ISSN: 2329-6542

Open Access

Accurate first-principle calculations of the spectra of diatomic molecules in planetary atmospheres

International Conference on Atomic and Nuclear Physics

November 17-18, 2016 Atlanta, USA

John Morrison

University of Louisville, USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Astrophys Aerospace Technol

Abstract :

A summary will be given of various approaches that can be used to perform numerical Hartree-Fock method and many-body calculations on atoms and molecules. The theoretical approaches considered include the multi-configuration Hartree-Fock method and many-body perturbation theory. For light atoms and molecules, more than 98 percent of the correlation energy is due to pair excitations. Because molecules lack spherical symmetry, Schrodinger-like equations for molecules typically involve many more independent variables. While, the Hartree-Fock equations for atoms involve a single radial variable and the twoelectron pair equation for atoms involve two radial variables, the Hartree-Fock equations for diatomic molecules involves two independent variables and the pair equation for diatomic molecules involve five independent variables. To deal with these problems of higher-dimensionality, my mathematical collaborators and I have developed numerical methods for dividing the variable space into smaller sub-regions in which the equations can be solved independently. This domain decomposition theory is described and numerical results are given for Hartree-Fock calculations for diatomic molecules and for numerical solutions of the first-order pair equations which can be used to evaluate the Goldstone diagrams that arise in many-body calculations of molecular spectra. The goal of our calculations is to describe the energy of two helium atoms approaching each other in a cold atomic collision and to obtain the spectral fingerprints of CO and OH molecules in planetary atmospheres.

Biography :


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