Sung Won Jung
Suwon Women�s College of Nursing Department, South Korea
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
Objectives: This study investigated 1-year medical cost before die and the expenditure behavioral patterns and examined related socio-demographic factors of the most frequently incident cancer-stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, thyroid cancer- and gender specific cancer-prostate cancer and cervical cancer. Method: Logistic regression model was utilized to investigate the effect socio-demographic factors between never-visited decedents(n=3,753) and once or more-visited decedents(n=40,733) and Multiple regression analysis was utilized to estimate medical cost per socio-demographic characteristics of the once or more-visited decedents(n=40,733). Results: All the decedents due to cancer expended 7,911,000 won during 1-year before die. They expended 2,378,000 won as an injection cost including antibiotics, chemotherapy, blood transfusion, 924,000 won as a lab test, 634,000 won as a radiation therapy. During 1 year, they were hospitalized about 48.3 days and visited clinics 28.3 times. They expended plenty of cost during the last 1 month (30 days) of total cost, total treatment cost, IPD cost and OPD cost. But in terms of treatment ICU cost, Anesthesia cost and Radiation cost were spent mostly in last 2 month of life (31-60 days). They were used to hospitalize about 25.26 days during last 1 month but the frequency of visiting clinic was decreased during last 3 month(respectively, 4.36-4.20- 3.21). Socio-demographic factor of the decedents due to cancers concerning using of medical service was age, education level, occupations and marriage status. Conclusion: Cancer decedents spent almost all their money for medical treatment during LYOL, in particular, one month before death. It means, they dissipated excessive medical services, health care resource during last one month. There must be some following researches about optimal use of medical services at the end-of-life.
She has finished her Ph.D(Major: Health Policy and Hospital Management) at last semester from Korea University in Seoul, South Korea. She has been teaching at Suwon Women’s College from last September. She is a full time lecturer of Nursing Department at SWC. She has steadily presented papers in various international and domestic conferences. She is a member of Korean Nurses Association and Korean Academy Society of Nursing Education.
Cancer Science & Therapy received 5332 citations as per Google Scholar report