Brazilian national screening program of cervical cancer: Critical analysis

Journal of Cytology & Histology

ISSN: 2157-7099

Open Access

Brazilian national screening program of cervical cancer: Critical analysis

International Conference on Cytopathology

August 31-September 02, 2015 Toronto, Canada

Leandro Santos de Araujo Resende

HRAN-Regional Hospital, Brazil

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cytol Histol

Abstract :

Introduction: Cervical cancer ranks third in prevalence and fourth as cause of death in women worldwide in Brazil, 17, 540 women were diagnosed in 2012. Screening of precursor lesions of cervical cancer is done through the annual collection of cytology (Pap smear test) in women aged 25-64 and sexually active. Objective: Demonstrate poor adherence of the target population for screening for precursor lesions of cervical cancer in Brazil due to the current program adopted by the national health agency. Exhibit the prevalence of precursor lesions of cervical cancer in Brazil. Methods: All information was obtained by consulting the INCA (National Institute of Cancer) database and Federal District Health Department. Non-parametric tests were performed. Chi-squares (and Fisher�s Exact test where appropriate) were used to compare the prevalence of cytological abnormalities. Results: 27% of eligible women participated in the screening program in 2013-2014 and less than 1% were referred for colposcopy. The frequencies of cytological abnormalities were ASC-H (0.41%); AGC-HSIL (0.09%); HSIL (0.56%); invasive carcinoma (0.04%); adenocarcinoma in situ (0.03%) and invasive adenocarcinoma (0.01%). Discussion: The current screening of precursor lesions of cervical cancer adopted in Brazil is not organized and has low catchup program adherence. Women aged 25-64 are first attended for a primary screening and referred to a trained colposcopist if abnormal cytological result detected. Women�s target population in Brasilia as the capital of Brazil is nearly 900,000 individuals. However, in the current program, few women have cytology collected annually and has a minority colposcopic assessment if necessary.

Biography :

Leandro Santos de Araujo Resende has completed his Masters’ degree from State University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil. He is currently responsible for colposcopy service HRAN (Regional Hospital) in Brasilia DF. He participates in the UNICAMP research group with Professor Sophie Derchain.


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