Abdulkader Albasri, Akbar Husaini, Ibrahim Sundkji and Ahmed Ahujali
Accepted Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
Aim: To delineate the prevalence and characterize the histopathological pattern of breast diseases among Saudi patients and to highlight the age variations of these lesions as base line data. Methods: A retrospective review was made of all breast biopsy reports of a mass or lump from male and female patients seen between January 2006 and December 2013 at the King Fahad Hospital, Madinah, Saudi Arabia. Outline of breast lesions were tabulated and classified into inflammatory, benign and malignant lesions. Results: Of 1005 breast tissues reviewed, 982 specimens (97.7%) were from female patients and 23 specimens (2.3%) were from male patients. In female breasts, benign lesions comprised 50.9% of all lesions. Most commonly reported amongst the benign lesions was fibroadenoma (53.4%) and fibrocystic disease (28.2%). Malignant lesions comprised 40.5% of all lesions. Most commonly reported being invasive ductal carcinoma accounting for 85.2 % of malignant lesions, followed by ductal carcinoma in situ (8%) and invasive lobular carcinoma (2.7%). Inflammatory diseases (breast abscess, chronic mastitis, duct ectasia, fat necrosis and galactocele) constituted 8.5% cases in this series. Benign breast lesions mostly occurred in patients younger than 40 years. The mean age of Saudi females with invasive ductal carcinoma was 46.9 years, which is a decade earlier than in Western countries. Majority of patients presented with large size and poorly differentiated tumors, skin and/or nipple involvement, as well as a high frequency of axillary nodal metastases and lymphovascular invasion in those who underwent axillary nodal dissection. In males, 19 specimens (82.6%) were benign and 4 (17.4%) were malignant. All benign cases from male patients belonged to gynacomastia and all malignant cases belonged to invasive ductal carcinoma. Conclusion: In our study of more than 1000 Saudi patients, ductal carcinoma has been more frequently reported than fibro adenoma. Moreover Breast cancer is seen at an earlier age and advanced stage as compared to data available from other regions of KSA and world.
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