Fahad AlJarboa
King Abdulaziz Medical City, Saudi Arabia
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Clin Infect Dis
Brucellosis is a type of an infection caused by bacteria that affects humans and animals and usually affects the former by drinking unpasteurized milk. This study deals with a clinical case of human Brucellosis. Sudden onset of left hip pain with no history of past trauma, recent URTI, or any other abnormal symptom was examined, and left joint effusion was found. On further investigation, ESR was determined to be 41, and high levels of antibody against Brucella were revealed after the serum agglutination test. Methods to prevent the prevalence of this disease by implementing various measures and creating awareness have also been made.
Fahad Al Jarboa has completed his MBBS at 1997 at King Fasial College, Medical Scool, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia. Then he finished his Arab Board and Saudi Board for Pediatric at 2003. No he is working as Consultant Pediatrician Ambulatory Care.
Clinical Infectious Diseases: Open Access received 1149 citations as per Google Scholar report