Faisal Lafi Al-Dhafeeri
Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University Saudi Arabia
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nurs Care
Introduction: Burnout became common in the health care providers. Researchers and expertise identify the burnout in the form of feeling overworked, frustrated, exhaustion and emotionally drained. Consequently burnout may affect negatively the nurse��?s professional life, if not diagnosed and treated in an early time. Finding out the association between personality traits, level of nurses��? burnout and their socio-demographic characteristic would help to overcome this problem. Aim: This study aims at exploring the relationship between burnout and personality traits among psychiatric nurses working at Al-Amal Complex for Mental Health in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Descriptive exploratory design will be used in this study. This study will be conducted in Al-Amal Complex for Mental Health in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. All nurses available at the time of data collection who meet the study inclusion criteria will be included in the study. The expected number of study sample will be 60 nurses. The study will used Maslach burnout inventory by Maslach (1976) and the (NE-FFI-S) personality inventory by Costa and Mccrae (1992) which translated by Alansari (1997). Methodology: Data will be collected by the researcher through the use of well-established questionnaires. The questionnaire will be distributed to the nurses included in the study who will sign a consent form and will be collected within a week by hand. Data will be analyzed using the SPSS software version 20.5 Data Analysis: SPSS software version 20 will be used for data analysis. Result: The findings of present study revealed that nurses who are working at Al-Amal Complex for Mental Health in Dammam, Saudi Arabia had low level of burnout. Emotional exhaustion highest in outpatient clinics and lowest with inpatient wards. Regarding depersonalization was higher in emergency room compared with inpatient. Male nurses scored higher personal accomplishment compared with female. There was a moderate positive correlation between emotional exhaustion and depersonalization with neuroticism. Depersonalization has a moderate negative correlation with agreeableness and conscientiousness.
Journal of Nursing & Care received 4230 citations as per Google Scholar report