Cancer patient advocacy - The role of the nurse

Cancer Science & Therapy

ISSN: 1948-5956

Open Access

Cancer patient advocacy - The role of the nurse

JOINT EVENT:19th Euro Congress on Cancer Science and Therapy & 25th Cancer Nursing & Nurse Practitioners Conference

July 17-19, 2017 Lisbon, Portugal

Marta Bello

Clinical Center Champalimaud, Portugal

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther

Abstract :

The cancer patient advocacy (CPA) is frequently mentioned as a way to reduce the burden of cancer. Although the responsibility of being a patient advocate is clear in the nurse�s code of ethics, there is still a need to clarify it in the practice of care, and so it can be used as a strategy for quality care in an oncologic setting. Nursing patient advocacy, related with the empowerment of the patient, can be defined as an interactive process of analyzing, counseling and responding to a patient�s care and self-determination preferences, but the respective activities should be promoted in the oncologic setting. Firstly, it is important to be aware that acting as a CPA cannot be left to the individual wishes of each nurse, but based on a team decision to improve their intervention as cancer patient advocates as a whole. But CPA is complex and nurses interpret this concept in different ways. With these premises, in our organization we decided to characterize the knowledge of nursing team of 60, and then improve that knowledge through a plan of continual education. Furthermore, our plan includes setting goals that communicate what we want to achieve as a result of our advocacy efforts, observe and evaluate the existing evidence based on the subject, analyze the environment in which the care is being provided, evaluate the team capacity and establish a framework for monitoring and evaluation of our advocacy project.

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