Case study: The impact of the health guardian for longevity program in bridging the gap to tailoredcentre health care for residents of the Se village in West Africa

Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing

ISSN: 2573-0347

Open Access

Case study: The impact of the health guardian for longevity program in bridging the gap to tailoredcentre health care for residents of the Se village in West Africa

27th World Nursing Education Conference

November 12-14, 2018 | Berlin, Germany

Freida Pemberton

Molloy College, USA

Keynote: Adv Practice Nurs

Abstract :

This case study explored the impact of bringing tailored health care to a village in West Africa using the Health Guardian for Longevity Program (HGFLP), an individualized tailored-fitted telehealth program that incorporates virtual, automation, and mobile technology (Pemberton, 2017). ā??The Health Guardian for Longevity Program takes in hand the assessed data, mobilizing the powerful tools of mobile, interactive, remote, video, and virtual technologies, as well as selected learning models, behavioural theories, and humour to treat patients as individualsā? (Pemberton, 2017, a.1). In the village Wi-Fi was not an option, thus the delivery and operation of the program required technological modifications in automation and the reliance on assigned team leaders who lived within city limits, had transportation and access to Wi-Fi. The team leaders led groups of 25-38 people (100 participants) through the case study process. The researcher randomly selected the 100 participants in the study from a pool of 200, who were part of the onsite visit and health promotion program of 2014. The population spanned across the life cycle and was arranged in groups of School- Age, Adolescent-Age, Young Adult-Age, Middle Adult-Age and Older Adult-Age. This case study began in 2014 incorporating a new practice approach that differed from prior years with the implementation of the Health Guardian for Longevity Program. The qualitative case study explored the impact of the participantsā?? online use of the Health Guardian for Longevity Program related to their health status and sustainability following a healthcare crisis. Data was collected from the 100 participants who used the program for 1.5 years, completed in 2016. The participants responded to the Health Guardian for Longevity Program Perception Questionnaire, a 10-item Likert-scale Instrument. The questionnaire was administered by team leaders and the data captured was analyzed by the primary investigator in 2016. Data collected was analyzed using the QDA Miner Lite software program. Prior research on the benefits of tailored-centered patient care, the meaningful use of technology in healthcare, and telehealth practice guided this study. The results of the analyzed data identified both effective and ineffective practices related to the use of the Health Guardian for Longevity Program. In response to three questionnaire items, it was identified that modifications were needed; 1. Provide more intensive training for team leaders, 2. All narratives must be written in the language of the villagers, and 3. All health partners need to learn the native language. The findings from this research study provided specific strategies for sustainability of quality healthcare using telehealth practice, virtual, and mobile devices. This case study now serves as a case-based teaching and problem-solving learning module for the educatorā??s students enrolled in nursing informatics, research, and growth and development courses. A quantitative research design study is in progress, focusing on the clinical data captured in this study.

Biography :

Freida Pemberton, EDD, PHD, RN-BC is a Full Professor of Nursing at Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY and served in the position of Director of the Graduate Nursing Program for four years. Dr. Pemberton has made numerous contributions to the advancement of the Molloy College community and the community at large. She developed its Graduate Nursing Informatics component of the Administration track. Dr. Pemberton is an American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Board Certified Informatics Nurse and continues to practice as a consultant in informatics. She has published on Distance Education, Development of a Faculty Learning Center, A Study on Nurses Attitudinal Tendencies and Impact of the Health Guardian for Longevity Program. She published numerous websites designed to meet the healthcare needs of communities with limited to no access to healthcare. Dr. Pemberton’s contributions to the Profession are far outreaching after 45 years in practice. She has an exhaustive list of awards and honorable mentions. Dr. Pemberton is also a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Grant Reviewer and on the Editorial Board for the COJ Nursing and Healthcare of Crimson Publishers. Dr. Pemberton has an involvement in health care organizational programs at local, national, international, and federal levels. She established the World Wide Holistic Health Outreach non-profit 501 c3 public charity serving indigenous communities both nationally and internationally. Dr. Pemberton continues to develop innovative telecommunication programs designed to meet the specific needs of clients both nationally and internationally. She enjoys challenging students to be innovators and design programs and services that will improve the human condition for all. She has developed enrichment programs for the advancement of students in primary and secondary education that focused on science, mathematics, and computers. Students are challenged to be visionaries and to continue outreach work that incorporates the advancements in telecommunication.

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