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Clinical principles of intra-nasal atomization

Journal of Trauma & Treatment

ISSN: 2167-1222

Open Access

Clinical principles of intra-nasal atomization

3rd Annual Congress and Medicare Expo on Trauma and Critical Care

March 13-14, 2017 London, UK

Tim Collins

Teleflex Medical, UK

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Trauma Treat

Abstract :

Contents of Workshop: Contents of workshop are as follows: 1. Anatomy and physiology relating to nasal absorption; 2. Evaluation of the literature relating to nasal atomization; 3. How does nasal absorption of medications work?; 4. Appraisal on the benefits and limitations of the nasal medication route; 5. Bioavailability of medications and the significance of first pass metabolism; 6. Practical demonstration for achieving best practice techniques for nasal atomization and; 7. Application of theory to a practical demonstration using nasal atomization and an interactive quiz to facilitate discussion, reflection and learning relative to nasal atomization. Target Participants: This will be applicable to all emergency and critical care providers. Participant Involvement: This workshop will provide attendees with the theory and practical application relating to intra-nasal atomization. Demonstration and application of best practice nasal atomization techniques will be simulated. Attendees will be able to practice nasal atomization techniques and apply theory to clinical practice. The workshop will provide opportunity for attendees to reflect upon nasal atomization and provide facilitated discussion within a supportive environment. An interactive nasal atomization case study relating to the use of atomization will be simulated and an attendee quiz will facilitate discussion and reflection among participants. Flow of Workshop: Flow of workshop is as follows: 1. Visual power point slides evaluating the theory of nasal absorption; 2. Visual power point slides relating to anatomy and physiology and evidence based atomization; 3. A video demonstrating nasal atomization theory; 3. Critique of the benefits and limitations of nasal atomization; 4. Demonstration of best practice techniques for achieving effective nasal atomization; 5. Participants having the opportunity to demonstrate nasal atomization techniques; 6. Application of nasal atomization for a patient requiring topical anaesthesia following an acute cerebral event and; 7. Interactive quiz with facilitated group discussion and reflection. Intended learning Outcome: This practical workshop aims to provide an overview of the theory relating to nasal atomization and provide emergency providers with the opportunity to demonstrate best practice nasal atomization techniques that can be applied to clinical practice.

Biography :

Tim Collins has 20 years of experience in Critical Care. He holds the position of Consultant Nurse, Lead Nurse, Charge Nurse, ICU Educator and Senior Lecturer. He is currently a British Association of Critical Care Nurses (BACCN) elected national board member and Editorial Board Member of Nursing in Critical Care Journal (Wiley). He has given a number of presentations at European & international conferences and has published a number of papers in peer reviewed journals and book chapters. He completed his Doctorate Degree and MSc in Critical Care. He is an Instructor in both Adult and Pediatric Advanced Life Support. His interests include Sepsis, Clinical Shock, Vascular Access, Resuscitation, Organ Donation and Hemodynamic monitoring.

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