MarÃ?Âa Del Carmen Valadez Vega1, Laura GarcÃ?Âa Velasco2, Clara ZÃ?ºniga PÃ?©rez3, Areli Cruz CastaÃ?±eda4
Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Aut�³noma del Estado de Hidalgo, M�©xico
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
Some medicinal plants are been used around the word to treat many kinds of diseases such as cancer. In Mexico the people have used plants extracts such as Solanum rastratum, which has shown to be effective in improving symptoms of some diseases conditions, there are reports about the use of water extract of this plant for the treatment of cervical cancer. For this reason, in this work the aim was to evaluate the cytotoxyc effect of extracts of Solanum rastratum on human cervical cancer Siha. The plant was collected, cleaned, separate the sections, and dried in darkness at room temperature. Extracts were prepared from the leaf, stem and flower/fruit using methanol, ethyl acetate and hexane. The extract cytotoxicity was analyzed on SiHa Cells line employing the MTT technique. The results showed higher inhibition effect on cell viability with stem ethyl acetate extract with DI50 52 �¼g/mL, while methanolic extract of leaf and flower were which showed lowest inhibitory effect. Methanol extract were which showed lowest inhibitory activity, followed by hexane extracts and the better inhibitory activity were showed for ethyl acetate extract in all parts of the plants. We conclude that ethyl acetate extract of the leaf showed the greater cytotoxic effect. These results are contrasting with the traditional use of the extract of this plant, since traditionally people employ the aqueous extract of this plant, which would be equivalent to methanolic extract used in this study, which was who presented the lower cytotoxic effect of three solvents studied.
Maria del Carmen Valadez Vega obtained his PhD in 2004 in the Research Center in Food and Development, in Sonora, México. She has worked since 1998 in the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, and she is a professor and researcher at the School of Medicine. She has published several papers about the anticarcinogenic effect of natural compounds on human malignant cells.
Cancer Science & Therapy received 5332 citations as per Google Scholar report