S Sunitha, Lakmali and N Senevirathne
Dr. Neville Fernando Sri Lanka-Russia Friendship Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
Introduction: This study was carried out to determine the effect of explanation about mammogram procedure by technologist on levels of anxiety before and after the procedure and pain levels after the procedure to the women who are undergoing mammogram. Materials & Methods: This study consists of 50 women. The data was collected through the state anxiety scale, verbal rating scale and personal characteristic form. Each step of the procedure was clearly explained to the experimental group while the control group was not. In the mammography unit, anxiety level was measured before and after the procedure and pain level after the procedure in the experimental and control groups. Results: There was no significant difference in anxiety levels of control before and after the procedure. But in the experimental group significant reduction (40%) in anxiety before and after the procedure was found. Likewise, pain level was reduced by 50% (severe pain) and 10% (moderate pain) respectively in the experimental group compared to control group 0% (mild pain), 40% (moderate pain) and 60% (severe pain). Discussion: The study determined that explaining clearly each part of the procedure to women who are to undergo a mammogram procedure decreased anxiety levels and pain levels.
Email: sunitha.sivarajah@gmail.com
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