Bhagvan Kommadi, India
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Forensic Res
In my perspective, we need to pull the evil out of the roots of the system to make this world a better place. This is contrary to the other school of that a criminal need to go through transformation. The idea is an app to proactively detect a common rapist and teaser around you like in MI4. What if every woman in the world has capability like MI4-women detecting the profile and history of the person before her, using her mobile phone app. The augmented reality which presents the real profiles with matched profiles. Profile can be an eve teaser, rapist, criminal, corporate criminal, kidnapper and illegal entity. Women enrich the database by sending the content (photographs with news content) to the central website and repository is created for web/mobile/social access. UN women initiative has been around for literacy, information mgmt, safe tourism, safe shopping, night walking and entertainment. New apps are available for location intelligence around the person�¢����s location. Notifications for security and alert mgmt are available. Knowing a stranger before contacting or alerting the police regarding the presence is the innovative approach behind detecting criminal. Facebook, twitter apps linking the profiles from social media to the augmented reality mobile apps will be the social genome application. UN women database can be built by using crowd sourcing like digging concept. Database can be available to all women who are travelling for business, pleasure, tourism and shopping. The database can be real time or offline sync up of geographical segment of the database. Envisioning to a high level, a shopping mall cameras can detect teaser, rapist or criminal and publish to kiosks, ad banners, SMS messages to the shoppers and security. Parking lot cameras can alert using the same database in malls and universities.
Journal of Forensic Research received 2328 citations as per Google Scholar report