Bahar aslan, Aysel ozdemir, Suleyman karaca and Elanur dogan
Inonu Univers���±ty, Turkey
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nurs Care
Aim: This study was conducted as a descriptive study to determine the burden of care and burnout levels of family members who have primary care for liver transplanted patients. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in a university hospital between September 2016 and April 2017. The study's universe consisted of family members who had received at least 6 months of care in patients who were hospitalized in the Liver Transplant Clinic of a university hospital. According to the power analysis performed to determine the sample of the study, 0.05 error level, 0.08 effect size, and 0.95 mean sample population were defined as 105 caregivers. Caregivers were selected by simple random sampling method. In the collection of the data, the questionnaire form containing the descriptive characteristics of caregivers, Zarit Care Load Scale and Maslach Burnout Scale were used. Results: The average age of caregivers participating in the survey was 38.89���±1.23 and 56.2% of these individuals were females. 80% of the individuals was married, 77.1% had primary education or higher education level, 97.1% had inadequate income, 61.9% was made up of spouses or children of patients and 76.2% was care for 1-5 years. The mean Zarit Care Load Scale of the patients was 55.39���±9.67 (min:34-max:79); the average score of the Maslach Burnout Scale emotional exhaustion subscale was 17.74���±5.80 (min:9-max:31), the personal success subscale average score was 32.97���±3.87 (min:18-max:40), the sensory subdimension score was 7.15���±2.45 (min:5-max:16). Conclusion: Caregivers participating in the research have found that they have a moderate level of the burden of care and burnout level. It may be suggested that nurses provide appropriate education and counseling services to reduce the burden of care and burnout level of family members who have liver transplanted patients. Key Words: The burden of care, Burnout level, Liver transplanted patients.
I am Bahar ASLAN. I am from Turkey. I was born in 1990. I graduated from �°nonu University Faculty of Health Sciences in 2014. I am a research assistant in Inonu University since 2016. Recently, I have conducted my master thesis in Surgical Diseases Nursing Department
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