Aysel Ozdemir and Seyhan Citlik Saritas
Inonu Un�±vers�±ty,Turkey
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nurs Care
Aim: The aim of this correlation and descriptive study is to investigation of the relationship between the perception of the disease and level of anxiety in patients with cancer. Materials & Methods: This study was done between July, 2015 and July, 2016. This study universe consisted of 1454 patients who were hospitalized and were aged 18 and older in the Inonu Universty, Turgut Ozal Medical Center Oncology Department with a diagnosis of cancer. A total of 318 patients made up the study sample. Tools for data collection were a personel data questionare for the patient, a Illness Perception Scale and Strait-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Descriptive data were summarized as absolute numbers and percentage; independent group comparisons used t-test, the Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA (analysis of variance) and Pearsonâ��s correlation coefficent. Results: This research found that patients anxiety level was low. The average point and standard deviations of timeline subscales of illness perceptions were 17.00�±6.72, consequences were 23.00�±5.45, personal control were 24.00�±5.57, treatment control were 20.00�±4.63, illness coherence were 9.00�±4.19, timeline cyclical were 12.00�± 2.56, emotional represantions were 20.00�±7.29, psychological attributions were 17.81�±7.23, risk factors were 15.87�±4.35, immunity factors were 6.29�±2.77. A positive relation was detected (p�±0.001) between the subcale average points of the factors which compose the subscales of illness perceptions questionare: symptoms, consequence, emotional representations, psychological attributions and the average points of anxiety. Conclusion: Itâ��s recorded that many sub scales of illness perceptions had anxiety, when they were evaluated together. In accordance with these results, patients illness perceptions and anxiety were determined.
I am Aysel ÖZDEMÃ?°R. I am from Turkey. I was born in 1991. I am married. I graduated Ataturk University Nursing Faculty in 2013I am a research assistant in Inonu University since 2015. I maded my masters degree in internal medical nursing in 2016. Now, I am a psychiatri nursing PhD student in the university.
Journal of Nursing & Care received 4230 citations as per Google Scholar report