Ismael Martinez Villegas
Servicio Andaluz De Salud, Spain
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Nurs Care
The training of cardiopulmonary resusitation given to children was criticized in a study published in the British Medical Journal 2007, based on lack of sufficient strength in children to carry out effective chest compressions and the rigth depth. This study concluded that even thougth the best age to carry out an effective cardio pulmonare resusitation was front 13 yers of age. The training of younger children give them the knowledge and perspective to achieve greater skills in future. With our work, we wanted to present didactic guidance for teaching cardio pulmonary resuscitation to children based on the sequence, repetitions and frecuency, adaptating the content to the age of the child. Having trainined in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the whole environment of the child (teachers, parents and family) felt the learning is of greater use. The result of the work made us consider the simple game techniques that involve repetition and songs as diffusion tools with greater acceptance by the child and his/her environment.
Ismael Martinez Villegas studied nursing in Valme´s Hospital in seville, in 2001. He later joined the primary care District Emergency Nursing Team of Cadiz Bay la Janda. His research focuses on Emergency - giving greater importance to training the first aiders, which took him to take part in training the pólice, fireman and nursing collegues, but it was in the training of school children where he found his bigger challenge.
Journal of Nursing & Care received 4230 citations as per Google Scholar report