Effective use of communication as a vital tool for trust development

Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing

ISSN: 2573-0347

Open Access

Effective use of communication as a vital tool for trust development

2nd Advanced Nursing Science & Practice

April 20-21, 2018 | Las Vegas, USA

Nonye Aghanya

Minute Clinic, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Adv Practice Nurs

Abstract :

Poor communication skills greatly contribute to the mistrust that is often experienced between patients and clinicians. It�s important to note that patients often experience high levels of apprehension during their clinical/hospital visits. Sometimes, such high anxiety levels manifest as various patient attitudes that could become a deterrent to the development of productive clinician-patient relationship. It is vital for nurses/clinicians to refrain from using a one-size-fits-all communication approach for all patient encounters because people have different personalities and backgrounds and thus perceive and react differently to the same information presented to them. The key for trust development is in the delivery method of information. To attain trust development through effective communication, the clinician�s communication style must be tailored to each patient�s personality, attitude and back ground. Naturally, many, if not all nurses and clinicians put their best foot forward during each patient�s consultation with the expectation to make a connection with the patient and have a productive conversation. It is important to note that realistically, however hard a clinician may try to make a great impression, due to various reasons, there are still many patients who would not achieve a decent level of comfort with the clinician. As a result, an honest and productive conversation is not achieved which hinders the development of a successful clinician-patient relationship. Often, effective communication between two individuals does not happen naturally at first, it must take a conscious effort on the clinician�s part to be realized. Do you know that there is a strategic approach to experience a stress-free, successful consultation with each patient for improved trust development and productivity? My book, simple tips to developing a productive clinician-patient relationship gives simple tips to achieve this for 16 different patient attitudes/behaviors

Biography :

Nonye Aghanya is an Author and a Nurse Practitioner. She has co-owned and operated a private medical clinic and currently works in a retail clinic setting in Virginia. She has obtained her Master of Science degree from Pace University, New York and has worked in various outpatient/inpatient/home care health settings in New York and New Jersey. She presently serves as a Family Nurse Practitioner at a Retail clinic in Virginia. She has worked as a Registered Nurse for 10 years before becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner, a role she currently holds for over 16 years. She is fluent in English and Ibo. She is the Author of “Simple Tips to Developing a Productive Clinician-Patient Relationship” which is based on many clinical experiences in diverse health care settings and interactions with patients; and other clinicians in the past twenty-five years. She is also a Speaker and an Entrepreneur

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