Mamatha Palnati and Deepthi Suda
Accepted Abstracts: Pharmaceut Reg Affairs
Bioterrorism refers to the intentional release of toxic biological agents to harm and terrorize civilians, in the name of a political or other cause. It was started in 14th century and still seen. Bioterrorism causing agents were classified into class-A, B, C. Class-A are the most dangerous of the 3 classes .Class-B is moderate and class-C was mostly seen. Few major diseases which are dangerous to human race were anthrax, small pox, CCHF, Swine flu etc. Anthrax was caused by Bacillus anthraces which were used as bio-weapon by USA. Small pox was caused by virus Variola and it is an airborne virus which made it facile to use as bioweapon. CCHF was caused by Hayalloma tick. As it is an insect , cultivation of ticks was considered as a bio-weapon. Swine flu was caused by H1N1 virus. As it is highly contagious it is a major bio-weapon after anthrax and plague. Operation Bio-shield was started by the government of USA in 2004 to terminate bioterrorism. $5.6 billion were granted upto 10 years for medical supply .EUA gave access to best medical treatment. Bio- surveillance is the best technology available till today to study and prevent attack of bioterrorism as early as possible.
Mamatha Palanati completed Bachelors in Pharmacy from R.G.R.Siddhanthi College of Pharmacy affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad and now pursuing Masters in Pharmacy (second semester) from Department of Pharmaceutics, Anurag group of institution, School of Pharmacy.
Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access received 533 citations as per Google Scholar report