Ensuring competency among clinicians as it relates to an evolving electronic health record

Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing

ISSN: 2573-0347

Open Access

Ensuring competency among clinicians as it relates to an evolving electronic health record

27th World Nursing Education Conference

November 12-14, 2018 | Berlin, Germany

Katrina Blissett

Jackson Health System, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Adv Practice Nurs

Abstract :

The clinicians have been trained and the electronic health record (EHR) has been in place now for over three successful years. New staff have come in and been trained inclusive of all of the upgrades and new implementations, but what about the originals? Did we truly evaluate that our original staff comprehended how to document within the EHR from the beginning? How are they incorporating all of these updates to their already overflowing plate of responsibilities? How can we truly ensure that our clinicians are competent to document within the EHR and that they are using it to its maximum capacity? Through a series of in-services, huddle type hand-off communications, and the unfortunate one, re-education due to error, is how we tend to roll out new implementations and upgrade trainings. We set our staff up for failure when we do this! It isnā??t fair and a better process needs to be implemented to ensure that our clinicians are given the opportunity to learn how to competently document within the ever changing EHR system. Through the support of leadership and coordination with the education department, monthly topic specific training is available to the nurses as well as coordinated trainings for new upgrades and implementations. Starting with leadership team inclusive of our Chief Nursing Officer, directors, super users, nurse managers, associate nurse managers, and charge nurses a train the trainer model is developed. Starting with leadership gained us immediate buy in and allowed the appropriate team to be accountable for their staff. How else could the leadership team be expected to hold their staff accountable if they themselves did not know what to do? This process allows the clinical informatics training team to ensure the EHR is being used efficiently. Staff will spend less time navigating the chart to document and more time with the patient. Staff will also be able to utilize the various integrations afforded to them to reduce documentation time. All clinicians should be given the opportunity to be educated on an on-going basis to be able to utilize the various enhancements within the EHR. Developing a culture that supports their staff and empowers them to properly utilize the tools afforded to them will thus allow the organization to grow together.

Biography :

Katrina Blissett has been a Nurse for over 12 years with specialties ranging from pediatrics to ICU. She has completed her Master’s degree in Nursing Education at the University of Phoenix and BSN at the University of Miami. She is a Board Certified Nurse in both Pediatrics and Nursing Informatics. She is the Clinical Informatics Training Coordinator for Jackson Health System in Miami, Fl, USA where she applies her clinical knowledge to the clinical Informatics specialty. She is an active Member of the national organization, American Nursing Informatics Association and is a current Board Member of her local South Florida chapter. She plays an active role in implementing new initiatives and is the liaison between the end users and the clinical analysts thus being the vital link between change, implementation and adoption.

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