Epilepsy management during difficult times (including COVID ERA)

Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery

ISSN: 2684-6012

Open Access

Epilepsy management during difficult times (including COVID ERA)

34th Conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics

February 24, 2023 | Webinar

Boulenouar Mesraoua

Weill Cornell Medical College, Qatar

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Clinical Neurology & Neurosurgery

Abstract :

Major disruption in the delivery of healthcare services can occur in exceptional situations such as natural disasters, conflicts, periods of severe economic hardship, and epidemics. These disruptions typically affect to the greatest extent the most vulnerable segments of the population, including people with epilepsy. Inability to access healthcare services can lead to failure to undergo necessary diagnostic investigations, or to receive needed therapeutic interventions, including epilepsy surgery. Stress and other factors associated with the nature or the cause of the disruption can adversely affect seizure control status, or precipitate the occurrence of psychiatric disorders and other comorbid conditions. Failure to access antiseizure medications is a common occurrence in these situations and can result in loss of seizure control, withdrawal seizures, and status epilepticus. In this article, we provide examples of recent disruptions in healthcare and their implications for people with epilepsy. We discuss the consequences of natural disasters, conflicts, economic sanctions, and focus in greater detail on lessons learnt during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also discuss possible mitigation procedures, focusing in particular on the application of telemedicine to epilepsy care. Finally, we underline the need for governments, healthcare authorities, and international organizations to improve their preparedness to deal with exceptional situations that may arise in the future.

Biography :

Dr Boulenouar Mesraoua is Consultant Neurologist at Hamad Medical Corporation, Neuroscience Department ,and also Associate Professor of Clinical Neurology/Epilepsy at Weill Cornell Medical College Qatar; He is the Director of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Program and also the Director of the Neurology Fellowship Program at HMC ; Dr Mesraoua is the author and co-author of many peer reviewed publications in reputed epilepsy journals ,and editor of one book on status epilepticus and eight book chapters in the field of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurology Neurology

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