Exploring the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem components and metrics in efficiency-driven economy: A case of an Indonesia province

Business and Economics Journal

ISSN: 2151-6219

Open Access

Exploring the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem components and metrics in efficiency-driven economy: A case of an Indonesia province

8th Global Entrepreneurship & Business Management Summit

February 28, 2022 | Webinar

Arthur Tunggul Siahaan

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Indonesia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Bus Eco J

Abstract :

The entrepreneurial ecosystem approach has gained increasing interest in understanding regional economic development and ultimately provides a lens for public policy in providing treatment for high-growth start-ups. The approach has been examined empirically with the use of secondary data in generating a regional index or understanding its relationship with high-potential entrepreneurship or total early-stage entrepreneurial activity, to name a few. The entrepreneurial ecosystem index may predict the quality of productive entrepreneurship. To get the index, recent research use measures of entrepreneurial ecosystem elements. Different metrics/ indicators for the elements have been calculated in the recent research with the availability of secondary data. However, the secondary data availability at regional level may be scarce at efficiency-driven economy. Primary data at regional level is deemed necessary. The data for the relevant elements and indicators are key in resulting the index. The paper aims to explore the relevant elements/components of entrepreneurial ecosystem and the respective metrics in one of the provinces in Indonesia by using primary data through interviews and questionnaires. It also explores important indicators for each element and calculates the index.Finally, it is necessary to introduce the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem index for public policy to better understand and implement the right treatment for entrepreneurship.

Biography :

Arthur Siahaan is a DBA student from Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. He is currently an independent investor and part-time faculty member of Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. He has worked in reputable companies in ICT industries for more than 22 years with almost 13 years in Cisco Systems (NASDAQ: CSCO).

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