Forensic DNA analysis

Journal of Forensic Research

ISSN: 2157-7145

Open Access

Forensic DNA analysis

4th International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology

September 28-30, 2015 Atlanta, USA

Dauda Cynthia Zainab

University of Administration Economic and Journalism, Benin

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Forensic Res

Abstract :

Forensic DNA analysis criminalist Hary Klann, DNA technical leader; the objectives of forensic DNA testing is to link an individual to a crime scene/criminal act to exonerate suspects and to identify victim of mass disaster, Deoxyribonucleic acid which is commonly known as (DNA) was structured out as a double helix by a man called James D Watson in 1953. It is a molecule that contains instruction an organism needs to develop and also a carrier of genetic information. They allow our investigators access to technology that can help in excluding the innocent. There some number of sequence used to distinguish all human, this various sequence used for identity testing technique are DNA finger printing, DNA typing and DNA profiling. DNA profiling happen to be the most common and secured testing techniques because it deals with parentage testing and criminal investigation in relation to forensic DNA analysis. DNA due to discovery helps our ability to diagnose diseases early enough and it has vastly improve in assessment of a person genetic, this discovery of DNA was essentially led to awareness of drugs and treatments for patient with severe illness. Another source of DNA evidence are the urine, semen, blood, nasal secretion, virginal fluid and hair roots but the DNA evidence of urine has been dashed as a poor source due to lack of high level of contaminants preventing a successful analysis. For a quicker and exact DNA test analysis, the need of Applied Bio System 310 genetic Analyzer is very important which is a computerized machine used in getting appropriate DNA Analysis and the signal as converted into a ???¢????????peak???¢??????? by the computer software.

Biography :

Dauda Cynthia Zainab has completed college and a Computer Science undergraduate in her final year at the University of Administration Economic and Journalism and her subject of interest is forensic DNA Analysis.


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