Ganplex and Kimera-Test: Biotechnological screening tools designed identify human cancer-related virus and SNPs in non-invasive samples

Cancer Science & Therapy

ISSN: 1948-5956

Open Access

Ganplex and Kimera-Test: Biotechnological screening tools designed identify human cancer-related virus and SNPs in non-invasive samples

Joint Event on 28th International Conference on Cancer Research and Anticancer Therapies & International Conference on Oncogenesis & Oncologic Emergency Medicine & 3rd International Conference on Tumor & Cancer Immunology and I

September 17-18, 2018 | San Diego, USA

Gisela Aguirre, Delgado Pastelin L, Flores-Fortis M, Flores-Bahena C, Medina-Garcia CV, Medina-Soriano S, Zepeda-Hernandez R, Gutierrez-Ospina,G and Meda-Monzon

Hakken Enterprise S.A. de C.V., Mexico
University of Veracruz, Mexico
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther

Abstract :

Most efforts of allopathic medicine are directed to treat diseases. This path has proved to be costly when chronic diseases, such as cancer and its associated viral co-morbidities, need to be treated and monitored in the long term. Hence, the development of prevention-oriented medicine may reduce the magnitude of the financial burden associated with practicing remedy-based medicine. GanplexTM and Kimera-TestTM, the prime products of Hakken Enterprise, were then conceived to identify individuals with high genetic risk of developing cancer before the disease becomes symptomatic. GanplexTM and Kimera-TestTM take advantage of DNA extracted from saliva and urine samples to identify cancer-related viruses and SNPs through multiplex assays in a single reaction. At the current stage of development, both assays identify cancer-related SNPs and the viral sequences with a sensitivity, specificity, and confidence higher than those reported for Sangerâ??s sequencing. Both assays require small DNA quantities to begin with and no purification of PCR products prior hybridization. This shortens to approximately 7 hours the time to provide a result. Hence, GanplexTM and Kimera-TestTM are biotechnological tools that provide the genetic information needed to identify individuals under risk of developing cancer, a circumstance that would help in personalizing cancer preventing protocols and introducing precision medicine into everydayâ??s life. This work was financed by CONACyT (Grant No. 250884, 230066).

Biography :

Gisela Aguirre (MSc and PhD in Genetics & Molecular Biology), with bold principles and values, bets for the creation of a new paradigm of developing Science in Mexico. During the last five years, she has dedicated her talent and energy to the creation of a young scientific team and a has become Founder & CEO of startups in Mexico and USA, with more than 20 people dedicated to the development of technologies for affordable in vitro diagnostics tools for HIV, HPV, respiratory and gastric pathogens, aneuploidies in human embryos and cancer genetic propensity detection..



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