Fereydoon Family
Emory University, USA
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
Sections of patient tumors of gliomas grades II-IV, stained with an antibody specific to the mutated IDH1 protein, were analyzed using a mathematical image analysis technique. We calculated the glioma cell distributions in these slides and compared the cell distributions in the invasive front with different tumor types and grades. Our approach provides strong evidence that higher grade gliomas have more diffused invasive fronts.
Fereydoon Family holds the Samuel Candler Dobbs Chair of Physics at Emory University. He has published over 200 scientific articles and seven books. His contributions in the study of pattern formation, particularly dendritic solidification, which is commonly known as the “The Snowflake Problem”, has been widely featured in the media including the New York Times, CBS News, CNN, PBS, Physics World, and James Gleick’s popular best selling book “Chaos”. His most widely cited work is known as the Family-Vicsek Scaling that for over two decades has formed the basis for investigations of kinetic roughening of surfaces and interfaces in thousands of publications in many fields of science and engineering. Professor Family is an elected Fellow of the American Physical Society and the recipient of many honors and prizes, including the Lawton-Plimpton Prize, the Jesse Beams Prize from the American Physical Society Southeastern Section for outstanding research, as well as the Williams Distinguished Teaching award for excellence in teaching.
Email: phyff@emory.edu
Cancer Science & Therapy received 5332 citations as per Google Scholar report