Eskouhie Tchaparian
HolyStone Healthcare, Taiwan
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
This talk will address recent trends in targeted anticancer drug delivery systems with a focus on Hyaluronic Acid (HA) drug conjugate, a linear polysaccharide, for selective and targeted transport of anticancer therapeutics. It will also discuss the advantages of using this approach to deliver drugs at desired locations. Concept, design, and applications will be emphasized. A specific example CA102N, a Nimuselide (COX2 inhibitor) derivative (HA) conjugate, will be presented. CA102N is currently in preclinical development as a new anticancer agent against colorectal cancer. The antitumor activity, in vitro (cell based) and in vivo (xenografts mice), of CA102N will be communicated. In addition, some hightlights on the potential of its mechanism of action (MOA) will be elucidated. A brief description of the preclinical safety of CA102N and the overall safety profile of HA drug conjugates will be evaluated as well.
Eskouhie Tchaparian is currently director of translational and clinical research at HolyStone Healthcare Inc. (HSHC). She has more than 15 years experience of academic and biotechnology research both in preclinical and clinical areas. Prior to joining HSHC, Tchaparian was a researcher at Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences department, University of California, San Francisco, and worked at Amgen where she held positions of increasing responsibility in multidisciplinary research activities. She has authored or co-authored over 40 research papers, abstracts, or book chapters. Tchaparian received her Master’s and PhD. in Nutritional Biology/physiology and metabolism from University of California, Davis.
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