Hydrogen and fuel cell developments

Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry

ISSN: 2380-2391

Open Access

Hydrogen and fuel cell developments

Annual Conference on Green Catalysis and Sustainable Energy

November 15-16, 2018 Dubai, UAE

Abdul Ghani Olabi

University of Sharjah, UAE

Keynote: J Environ Anal Chem

Abstract :

Targets established by the European Union for 2020, have introduced a huge attention for the electrical energy management, starting from its sustainable production, researching and developing new production technologies based on renewable power sources, to its correct use and storage. In base of different applications, and often in base of the concrete availability of these sources, there are several energy storage systems used today worldwide, each one based on a different electricity transformation principle (mechanical, thermal, electrical or chemical). During the last decades, a lot of technologies have been developed, using new materials and new concepts in order to satisfy the overall and specific applications requirements. This talk concerns with the developments of Proton Exchange Membrance ??PEM? Fuel Cell and it application. The talk will include the relation between universities and Enterprise on research developments, with a number of examples relate to Renewable Energy.

Biography :

Olabi received his M.Eng and Ph.D. from Dublin City University, since 1984 he worked at different national and international institutes such as; National Research Centre-Italy “CNR”, Research Centre of FIAT-Italy “CRF”, Dublin City University “DCU” and Institute of Engineering and Energy Technologies “IEET” at UWS. Prof Olabi has supervised postgraduate research students (10 M.Phil and 32PhD) to successful completion. Prof Olabi has edited more than 20 proceedings, and has published more than 350 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and international conferences, in addition to more than 25 book chapters. In the last 4 years Prof Olabi has patented 2 innovative projects. Prof Olabi is the founder of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection SEEP, and the International Conference on Materials Science and Smart Materials.



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