Immunological properties of NSC-631570 (Ukraine) - The anti-cancer preparation on basis of greater Celandine alkaloids

Cancer Science & Therapy

ISSN: 1948-5956

Open Access

Immunological properties of NSC-631570 (Ukraine) - The anti-cancer preparation on basis of greater Celandine alkaloids

Joint Event on 4th Annual Conference on Preventive Oncology & 4th Annual Conference on Gynecologic Oncology, Reproductive Disorders Maternal-Fetal Medicine & Obstetrics

July 18-19, 2018 | Atlanta, USA

Wassil Nowicky

Ukrainian Anti-Cancer Institute, Austria

Keynote: J Cancer Sci Ther

Abstract :

The preparation NSC-631570 (UKRAIN) is the very first preparation against cancer with a selective effect, which means that in therapeutic dosage it kills only cancer cells leaving the healthy cells undamaged. For the invention of this preparation, the factor used was that can-cer cells are more negatively charged than normal cells. For this purpose the Celandine alka-loid with a positive charge has been used, due to which it accumulates in cancer cells very fast that is visible under the UV-light due to the auto fluorescence. The anti-cancer preparation NSC-631570 has the ability to capsule cancer tumors, thanks to which the creation of new metastases is stopped. Besides, this ability makes the surgical removal of the tumors much more easier. These abilities of the NSC-631570 have been confirmed by the 188 research works at 60 universities and research centers from 24 countries. To the NSC-631570 more than 300 scientific publications are dedicated and over 180 of them can be found on PubMed. The NSC-631570 possesses some distinct immune properties. In several immune target-effector systems NSC- 631570 significantly amplified the malignotoxic activity of macrophages, lymphocytes and NK cells, and stimulates dendritic cells maturation in vitro. While the parameters like B-lymphocytes count, immune globulin concentrations, complement and acute phase proteins did not changed significantly, it can be postulated NSC-631570 modulates the cellular part of the immune system whereas the humoral part remains unaffected.

Biography :

Wassil Nowicky is working as the Director of “Nowicky Pharma” and is also the President of the Ukrainian Anti-Cancer Institute (Vienna, Austria). Has finished his study at the Radio-technical Faculty of the Technical University of Lviv (Ukraine) with the end of 1955 with graduation to “Diplomingeniueur” in 1960 which title was nostrificated in Austria in 1975. He is the Inventor of the anti-cancer preparation on basis of celandine alkaloids “NSC-631570”. He is also the Author of over 300 scientific articles dedicated to cancer research. He is a Real Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, member of the European Union for Applied Immunology and of the American Association for scientific progress, Honorary Doctor of the Janka Kupala University in Hrodno, Doctor “honoris causa” of the Open Inter-national University on complex medicine in Colombo, Honorary Member of the Austrian So-ciety of a name od Albert Schweizer. He has received the award for merits of National guild of pharmacists of America. the award of Austrian Society of sanitary, hygiene and public health services and others.



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