Impact of manual therapy techniques in the complex rehabilitation algorithm of patients with back pain

Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2573-0312

Open Access

Impact of manual therapy techniques in the complex rehabilitation algorithm of patients with back pain

6th International Conference & Exhibition on Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

August 13-14, 2018 | London, UK

Ivet B. Koleva, Radoslav Yoshinov and Borislav Yoshinov

Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Sofia University ‘St Kliment Ohridsky’, Bulgaria

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Physiother Rehabil

Abstract :

The goal of current work is to evaluate the impact of manual therapy techniques (MT) in the complex rehabilitation algorithm of patients with back pain. During last years we observed a total of 976 patients with upper and low back pain. Patients were divided into a lot of groups and subgroups, in each one we applied a different rehabilitation complex, including soft tissue techniques (manual massage, post-isometric relaxation, tractions, mobilizations and manipulations). Patients were controlled before, during and at the end of the rehabilitation course and one month after its end - using a battery of traditional and contemporaneous methods, for objectivization of the vertebral and radicular syndromes (including visual analogue scale of pain, vibroesthesiometry; thermosensibility; ICF asessment). Based on this detailed qualitative and quantitative evaluation we proved the efficacy of application of manual techniques in the complex rehabilitation algorithm of patients with back pain. We discuss some theories, concerning the joint play and the functional blockage of the intervertebral joints. We present some manual techniques (PIR, tractions, mobilizations and manipulations) usefull for these patients .

Biography :

Ivet B Koleva, MD, PhD, DMedSc is Medical Doctor, specialist in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine /PRM/ and in Neurology, with European certification in PRM. Actually she is Professor at the Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria. Assoc. prof. Radoslav YOSHINOV, PhD is engeneer, informatician, and specialist in telecommunications, Phylosophy doctor in Informatics. Actually he is associated professor at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) – Sofia, Bulgaria. Director of the Laboratory of Telematics at BAS. Borislav YOSHINOV is physiotherapist, actually student in Medicin at the Sofia University, Faculty of Medicine.



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