Impact of mechatronics on industrial biotechnology

Business and Economics Journal

ISSN: 2151-6219

Open Access

Impact of mechatronics on industrial biotechnology

4th International Conference on BUSINESS ETHICS & CORPORATE COMPLIANCE

May 15-16, 2023 | Paris, France

Juan Jose Encinas C

Ricardo Palma University, Peru

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Bus Econ J

Abstract :

This research was carried out to determine the impact of mechatronics in the health sector, since currently mechatronics has an impact in multiple areas of the industry, but lately especially in biotechnology. Its development was valued, from the perspective of different researchers, which has allowed its insertion in this sector. This development benefits both patients and physicians, as they have revolutionized the field of medical equipment and devices. Biotechnology has applications in important industrial areas such as: health care, the development of new approaches for the treatment of diseases; agriculture with the development of improved crops and food. Robotics and digital image and signal processing were also found to have a greater impact on medicine. Likewise, an analysis of the mechatronics applied to this science was made, which showed that the surgical and therapeutic areas are the most favored and are nourished by innovative techniques, which are more reliable and less invasive for the patient. Keywords: Fiat Currency, Gold-Backed Currency, Business Ethics, Gouantum.

Biography :

Juan José Encinas Cantaro, He was born in Lima, Peru. He is a Mechatronic Engineer. Session Chair and participant of the 4th North American Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Conference-IEOM 2019 in Toronto, Canada. He received a certificate for attendance and presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Automation Engineering and Intelligent Manufacturing-ICIMA 2018 in Penang, Malaysia. He participated in the X International Symposium on Innovation and Technology-ISIT 2019 in Cusco, Peru. Member of the steering and technical committee of the ISIT. He participated as part of the Peru Section of the IEEE in the XXVI International Congress of Electronics, Electricity, Engineering and Computing-INTERCON 2019 in Lima, Peru. He with experience in research, development and innovation in the fields of mechatronics, medical robotics, telemedicine, aerospace engineering and bioengineering. Researcher in programming by IPCEM agents. Lecturer and Consultant in Mechatronic, Spatial and Biomedical Technologies. He is also a consultant in information and communication technologies in the Peruvian government sector.

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