Improvements in management of T1DM patients using Free Style Libre (FSL)

Journal of Hypertension: Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1095

Open Access

Improvements in management of T1DM patients using Free Style Libre (FSL)

Joint Event on International Conference on Diabetes and Cholesterol Metabolism & 2nd World Heart Rhythm Conference & 2nd International Conference on Obesity and Diet Imbalance

November 25-26, 2019 | Dubai, UAE

Veronica Chirila Berbente and Tahir Omer

Northampton General Hospital, UK
University of Chester, UK

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Hypertens

Abstract :

In line with the standards of the ABCD Nationwide Free Style Libre (FSL) audit, we monitored 62 patients based on parameters such as: the type of insulin regime, average glucose, time in hypoglycemia, Time in Range (TIR), continuation of criteria for FSL, pre HbA1c, six months HbA1c and follow up in diabetes clinic. Only 53% of patients uploaded data in the cloud. Before FSL, 14 patients had HbA1c below 58 and 47 patients had above 58. At six months review, 22 patients had HbA1c below 58 and 29 above 58. Also, 23 patients spent more than 5% of time in hypo, 17 patients spent less than 5% of time in hypo and no data in the cloud for 22 patients. Additionally, 18 patients had less than 50% of TIR; 14 patients had 50-66% of TIR and only 8 patients spent more than 66% of TIR. For 22 patients we donâ??t have TIR data. At six months, 43% of patients were reviewed and 53% werenâ??t reviewed, no data for 2% and 2% chose another hospital. Regarding expectations, 17% of patients used FSL for hypoglycemia prevention, 59% have better control of their BMs, 8% think that monitoring glycaemia is easy and 4% use FSL for glycemic control pre or during pregnancy. In conclusion, there is a significant improvement of HbA1c, glycemic monitoring and quality of life once patients started using FSL. Uploading data in the cloud would make improvements in remote review of glycemic control. The question arises whether FSL should become more widely available.

Biography :

Veronica Chirila Berbentea is currently a Clinical Fellow in Diabetes and Endocrinology at Northampton General Hospital, UK. She has completed her MBBS from University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania.

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