Sophie Badzgaradze, Kh Shotadze, M Zhorzholiani, K Chakvetadze, D Gogsadze and N Kolbaia
Medical Center-Sarov, Georgia
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
Topicality: Treatment of oncological patients and getting clinical remission is an unfortunate topic even for the 21st
century; despite the correctly selected therapy, which gives minimal risks of complications because of the chemo
sensitive tests, there are important problems connected with the quality of life of patients and naturally we ask
questions to ourselves: How could we manage to increase the quality of life in oncological patients on the 3rd and 4th
levels and decrease the number of the side effects that accompany Ch/therapy and R/therapy procedures.
Aim: The aim of the study was the patient with a 32-year diagnosis: Hodgkin's lymphoma, nodular sclerosis; Thigh
bone MTS, 3rd stage; 3rd class group; R/therapy and CH/therapy; ECOG-2; pancytopenia with pain syndrome
R-CHOP and 4 courses conducted by BEACOPP schemes; Clinical remission was not achieved; Symptoms of
progression of the hip fracture were strengthened, and the institution was addressed with the aforementioned history.
Methods & Materials: For the patient was selected CH/course; the GEMOX scheme and recommended to strengthen
the course effectiveness, weaken toxicity and to improve the quality of life recommended for the treatment CH/
therapy with hyperthermia and hypoglycemia; For this procedure, a hyper thermic camera was installed, where the
procedure is carried out at 43-48 degrees Celsius, and we have a sugar content of 25-30000 per one 40-45 mm / l in
the bloodstream with the following doses: -1500 mg, Oxaliplatin -150 mg
Results: Only 2 courses were conducted with the patient with a CH/therapy hyperthermia. During the treatment
the patient did not have any clinical remission was only reached in 2 courses, the patient was active and ECOG-4.
Conclusion: So, we managed to get maximal results through high-tech hyper thermic chemotherapy, patient's
clinical remission and this was without any side effects. Increased the quality of life; From ECOG-2 to ECOG-4;
We recommend giving a hyper thermic chemotherapy in oncological patients at 3rd and 4th stage, which is a firm
guarantee of increasing their quality of life;
Cancer Science & Therapy received 5332 citations as per Google Scholar report