Edward V Krizhanovsky
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Altern Integ Med
An experiment was conducted to study human activity after sleeping with using two types of mattresses. One was ordinary mattress with a basis of cotton eco-friendly materials. Another one was an analog which was exposed to activation in the area of natural energy field deposit in Malaysia. The results reveal a significant effect of activated mattresses on the human psychophysiological and energy state. It was revealed that the rest for 30 minutes with an activated mattress is characterized by a greater stabilization of the human Energy state, improved balance of Energy, increasing of Energy resources estimated by Crownscopy (dynamic bioelectrography), compared to conventional mattress. At the same time one was revealed the decreasing of oxygen dependent Energy deficit during the testing process and the subjective improvement of the feeling of own health state. Some results may be caused due to the placebo effect. According to parametric Luscher test analysis, in case of groups, which used activated mattresses were obtained statistically significant decrease of the values for the next parameters: Mental fatigue, Anxiety and Total deviation. At the same time for these groups the values of working capacity and Vegetative coefficient are increasing. This indicates an improvement in the psycho-physiological status, which is necessary for maximum realization of all human performance in daily activity. There have been individual cases of improved conditions on the background of a headache, back pain and insomnia. However, these cases require more extended research on described dysfunction.
Edward Krizhanovsky has completed his PhD at the age of 26 years from St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics and postdoctoral studies from Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics of Physics (MTUCI). He is the head of SIE Telebiomet MTUCI, developer of innovation technologies (apparatus and software) for mobile screening of human health, Biofeedback, Brain Computer Interface and Telemedicine. He has published more than 80 papers in reputed journals.
Alternative & Integrative Medicine received 476 citations as per Google Scholar report