Investigate the role of pelvic floor physiotherapy in preventing and treating pelvic floor symptoms among patients with gynecological cancers

Journal of Oncology Translational Research

ISSN: 2476-2261

Open Access

Investigate the role of pelvic floor physiotherapy in preventing and treating pelvic floor symptoms among patients with gynecological cancers

2nd International Conference on Cancer Biology and Therapeutics

June 17, 2024 | Rome, Italy

Bhavna Anand

Amity Institute of health Allied Sciences, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Oncol Transl Res

Abstract :

Pelvic floor physiotherapy (PFP) has emerged as a significant intervention in the prevention and treatment of pelvic floor symptoms (PFS) among patients with gynecological cancers. This review explores the impact of PFP on the quality of life and rehabilitation of these patients. Gynecological cancers, including cervical, ovarian, uterine, and vulvar cancers, often involve treatments such as surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, which can adversely affect the pelvic floor muscles, leading to symptoms like urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction. These symptoms significantly impair the physical and emotional well-being of patients. PFP, involving exercises, manual therapy, biofeedback, and education, is tailored to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve their function. Early intervention with PFP before, during, and after cancer treatment has shown promising results in mitigating PFS. Studies indicate that patients who engage in PFP experience reduced severity of incontinence, enhanced sexual function, and decreased pelvic pain. Furthermore, PFP contributes to faster recovery and rehabilitation posttreatment, facilitating better overall outcomes and quality of life. The preventive aspect of PFP focuses on educating patients about pelvic floor health and incorporating exercises to maintain muscle strength and function, thereby minimizing the risk of PFS onset. In the therapeutic context, individualized PFP programs are designed based on the patient’s specific symptoms and treatment stage. The integration of PFP into standard oncological care protocols represents a holistic approach to managing the side effects of gynecological cancer treatments. In conclusion, PFP plays a crucial role in both preventing and treating PFS in patients with gynecological cancers. By enhancing pelvic floor muscle function and addressing the associated symptoms, PFP significantly improves the quality of life and rehabilitation outcomes for these patients. Further research and clinical integration are recommended to establish standardized guidelines and protocols for incorporating PFP into the comprehensive care of patients with gynecological cancers.

Biography :

Dr. Bhavna Anand was a Physiotherapy professional since last decade and having an extensive experience in the field of orthopaedic, oncology, neurology, paediatric care with almost 20 publications and conference papers in the emerging trends of Physiotherapy.

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