Tomasz Smolinski, Irena Herdzik-Koniecko, Marcin Rogowski, Marta Pyszynska, Dominik Owczarek and Andrzej G. ChmielewskiI
Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Poland
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Adv Recycling Waste Manag
Copper mining and ore processing is one of the most stable and profitable branch of the Polish economy and one
of the fastest growing industry. Commonly used technologies causes high losses of valuable metals into solid
wastes streams. The development and implementation of hydrometallurgical technologies might be a solution which
is feasible for high elements recovery and decreasing hazardous impact of the wastes storage on the environment.
Radiotracer methods are the suitable tool for process investigation since most of the elements involved may be
activated and their radioactive isotopes can be easily detected. The separation efficiency, process kinetics and flow
dynamics of hydrometallurgical systems can be therefore qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated. A monitoring
of radioactive tracer was applied for characterization of copper recovery in leaching process of flotation waste. A
sample of waste and standard (a high purity copper metal) were irradiated by thermal neutron flux in MARIA
Research Reactor in Swierk (Poland). The activated sample was followed mixed with an inactive portion of flotation
tailings in laboratory reactor vessel filled with acid. Atmospheric leach were performed using a sulphuric acid(VI)
and nitric acid and other acidic media. The experiments were carried out in a closed loop unit, which included the
reactor, pump and filter. The spectra were recorded using a gamma spectrometer equipped with an 3-inch NaI(Tl)
scintillation detector. The shielded detector was installed at the outlet of the reactor and placed on a silicon hose. The
Cu-64 isotope was used as tracer in experiments. A comparative method was used for determination an amount of
copper in acid solution and was calculated on the basis of ratio of areas under photopeaks in a gamma-ray spectrum
derived from the sample and standard. In the research the copper recovery at level up to 90% was obtained.
Recent Publications
1. Smolinski, T., Rogowski, M., Pyszynska, M., Chmielewski, A.G., Odzysk metali optymalizowany metodami
radioizotopowymi, GOSPODARKA ODPADAMI, 2/2017, pp 24-27
2. Smolinski T., Wawszczak D., Deptula A., Lada W., Olczak T., Rogowski M., Pyszynska M., Chmielewski A.G,;
Solvent extraction of Cu, Mo, V, and U from leach solutions of copper ore and flotation tailings, J Radioanal Nucl
Chem (2017) 314:69â??75
3. Fuks, L., Wawszczak, D., Smolinski, T., Herdzik-Koniecko, I., A.G. Chmielewski Novel Magnetic Cobalt
Cyanoferrate Nanoparticles as Potential Sorbent for Solid-Phase Extraction of Radionuclides from Aqueous
Samples Radiochemistry (2018) 60(4):400-408
4. Smolinski, T., Rogowski, M., Pyszynska, M., Brykala, M., Chmielewski, A.G., Nuclear Techniques For The
Study Hydrometalurgical Procceses To Be Applided In Copper Industry; I. Application of 64Cu Radiotracer For
Investigation Of Copper Ore Leaching NUKLEONIKA 63(4), (2018), pp 123-129
5. Smolinski, T., Rogowski, M., Pyszynska, M., BrykaÅ?a, M., Chmielewski, A.G., Nuclear Techniques For The Study
Hydrometalurgical Procceses To Be Applided In Copper Industry; II. Application of Radiotracers for Copper
Leaching from Flotation Tailings Investigation NUKLEONIKA 63(4), (2018), pp.131-137;
6. Chmielewski, A.G., Smolinski, T., Rogowski, M., Radiotracers and Nucleonic Control Systems Applied in
Industry–Polish Case; World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 09(02):27-66 (2019);
Tomasz Smolinski is a Master of Science in engineering in chemistry. He is a PhD student and works as a chemist at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in Warsaw. His main scientific interesting is concentrated on the radiotracer investigations for metal mining and processing industry. He is also focused on immobilization of nuclear waste into ceramic materials.
This work was supported by the IAEA CRP F22065 and Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education co-financing grant No. RC-18945: ‘Radiometric Methods Applied in Hydrometallurgical Processes Development and Optimization’ - “Rozwoj radiometrycznych i radioznacznikowych technik dla procesu hydrometalurgicznego odzysku metali deficytowych”.
Advances in Recycling & Waste Management received 438 citations as per Google Scholar report