Magnus S. Magnusson
University of Iceland, Iceland
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Adv Robot Autom
The essential basis for this presentation is a paper resulting from decades of R&D in numerous international collaborations: (Magnusson, 2020) T-patterns, external memory, and mass-societies in proteins and humans: In an eye-blink, the naked ape became a string-controlled citizen. Defining and detecting temporal T-patterns in interactions at different levels of biological organization, notably, between children and between neurons in brain networks, suggested the wide occurrence and relevance of such patterns. It was then noticed and verified that both DNA and text were T-patterned material strings with analogous and essential functions in their respective mass societies, specifying the behavioral potentials and tendencies of the citizens with various T-string segments defining the different “specialists”. This sudden and unique self-similarity across some eight orders of magnitude occurred in a biological eye-blink after billions of years of evolution, with text suddenly becoming the essential precondition for unique modern human science, technology, and law: a kind of human explosion leaving all other life far behind especially regarding intelligence, the ability to understand and solve problems. Mass societies based on purely informational T-strings are thus called T-societies and are only found in proteins and humans, with second-order T-societies unique to modern humans; T-societies where each citizen is itself made of nanoscale T-societies, those of DNA and proteins. From this viewpoint, modern humans and their mass societies live between interacting T-strings: DNA and text, a brand-new phenomenon in the evolution of life and fundamental for most modern human life. Mass societies on nano and human scales are thus based on purely informational T-strings outside the citizens and shaping them thus “artificially’ increasing human individual and collective intelligence far beyond anything otherwise possible for their brains and making differences between human brains of minimal importance relative to access to such external memory.
Magnus S. Magnusson is a Research Professor, founder and director of the Human Behaviour Laboratory, University of Iceland. Deputy Director 1983-1988 in the Laboratory of Anthropology in the Museum of Mankind of the National Museum of Natural History, Paris. He is a 1988-1993 repeatedly invited Professor in Psychology and in Biology of behaviour at the University of Paris V, VIII & XIII.
Advances in Robotics & Automation received 1275 citations as per Google Scholar report