Kaposi sarcoma and human herpes virus type 8: A rare case report and review of the literature

Cancer Science & Therapy

ISSN: 1948-5956

Open Access

Kaposi sarcoma and human herpes virus type 8: A rare case report and review of the literature

Joint Event on 28th International Conference on Cancer Research and Anticancer Therapies & International Conference on Oncogenesis & Oncologic Emergency Medicine & 3rd International Conference on Tumor & Cancer Immunology and I

September 17-18, 2018 | San Diego, USA

Narjiss Akerzoul and Saliha Chbicheb

Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther

Abstract :

Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a multifocal angioproliferative disorder of vascular endothelium, usually described in HIV positive patients, and primarily affecting mucocutaneous tissues with the potential to involve viscera. Four clinical variants of classic, endemic, iatrogenic, and epidemic KS are described for the disease, each with its own natural history, site of predilection, and prognosis. All forms of Kaposi sarcoma may manifest in the oral cavity and Kaposi sarcoma-associated virus (KSHV), also known as Human Herpes Virus type 8, appears essential to the development of all clinical variants. In the absence of therapy, the clinical course of KS varies from innocuous lesions seen in the classic variant to rapidly progressive and fatal lesions of epidemic KS. Our case report provides an overview of clinical aspects, pathogenesis, and treatment about a non-HIV positive patient presenting the classic form of KS related to HHV8.

Biography :

Narjiss Akerzoul received her Doctorate of Dental Surgery (DDS) from Mohammed V University of Rabat-Morocco in the year 2011. Later she worked as a General practitioner Dentist in Oral Health Center of Guelmim City, Morocco. Later in 2013, she started her residency program in Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine and OroFacial Pain in the Consultation Center of Dental Treatments of Rabat. Later on, she completed her Diploma in Biostatistics and Research Methodology during 2014-2015. She achieved her Board examination of Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine and OroFacial Pain in July 2017 and became an Oral Surgeon Fellow. She has authored and co-authored many International Publications in the field of Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Oncology. She has been an editorial member in Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research (IJOHMR), Reviewer and Editor in Omics Group Biomedical Journal.



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