Hana Slachtova
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Health Edu Res Dev
The data from a prospective longitudinal study ELSPAC (European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood) initiated by the WHO in the 1980s were used for analysis. The cohort being used had collected data on both parents since the pregnancy (in the years 1990-2011) subsequently till the 3rd, 7th, 15th and 19th years of the child in two Moravian cities. From the first wave of questionnaire survey the number of parents decreased significantly from about 4,500 to about 1,000. After cleaning these data, 823 women and 385 men were included in the final set for presented analysis. The majority of mothers had a secondary education (45.6%), while among fathers the majority had a university degree or higher education (40.2%). Good self reported health has decreased continually over time from more than 80% in both parents aged 30 to about 50% in the age of mid-forties. Selected chronic diseases proportion grew substantially over time in both parents – mostly back pain or disc problems (doubled in mothers during the study, not so in fathers), and high blood pressure (more worsened in fathers). Relatively low proportion of depression treated by a physician slightly increased over time, but depressive states without medical treatment was many times larger than the treated ones. Overweight or obesity confirmed by a doctor was reported by only a lower proportion of parents comparing with the proportion of overweight/obesity based on BMI calculation. The survival analysis will specify the specific age of parents when the chronic diseases appear and the subjective health starts decreasing.
Hana Slachtova has completed her PhD from the Charles University in Prague and her MPH at the Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education in Prague. She worked in different positions at the Institute of Public Health in Ostrava and has been a lecturer at the University in Ostrava, Faculty of Medicine. Her field of expertise is environmental and social epidemiology, methodology of medical research. She has published more than 30 papers in reputed journals and more than 200 others. Between 2006-2009 she was the prezident of the Central and Eastern European Chapter of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology.