Light energy from dipole repeller and its influence on motions of galaxies

Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology

ISSN: 2329-6542

Open Access

Light energy from dipole repeller and its influence on motions of galaxies

2nd International Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics

November 13-15, 2017 San Antonio, USA

Chidiebere Anigbo

University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Astrophys Aerospace Technol

Abstract :

The Milky Way galaxy is moving along with an approximate speed of 390mi/s. This could be due to a single gravitational force and other discovered forces arising from the local group (CLUSTER OF GALAXIES) that includes the Milky Way. The local group is driven by attractive and repulsive forces which are named by the researchers as: Shapely supercluster and the Dipole Repeller. The path of the motion of galaxies was plotted and it appears in the form of the magnetic lines of forces as explained by the magnetic theory. If the Milky Way wasn't expanding, the chaotic space of the galaxies would have been much; that means the universe would still remained a disordered system. This abstract aims to explain briefly my discovery of energy in form of light from a â�?�?voidâ�? which arises as a result of the interaction of the poles of the dipole repeller (the origin point) and the â�?�?voidâ�? which created the force that repels and attracts the Milky Way. These energy in form of light is induces either evenly or unevenly on each galaxy in the Milky Way. The light energy spread across the galaxies and creates a less mass around the dipole repller region and makes the space less concentered. When the space around the dipole repeller becomes less concentrated, more light energy is absorbed across the region, hence the galaxies moves in an orderly fashion towards the shapely attractor which acts like the opposite side of a magnet and that creates a gravitational gradient between the two. Local group (clusters of galaxies) also moves according to the excess light energy from the â�?�?voidâ�?. This phenomenon can be modeled according to the magnetic law of attraction and repulsion. My research will in no time clearly map out the â�?�?voidâ�? by determining its dynamics and also explains the gravitational gradient. Already I have explained that light energy from the â�?�?voidâ�? come as a result of the interaction of the poles in the dipole repeller and that light energy are transferred to the galaxies found in the local group and around the less dense dipole repeller space which subsequently gives it a directional motion or speed towards the shapely attractor.

Biography :

Chidiebere Anigbo is currently pursuing his Master’s degree in the University of Uyo. He has completed his degree in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is currently a Lecturer in the Physics Department of the Institute of Technology and Management, Ugep Cross River state where he is the Head of the curriculum development team saddled with the responsibility of developing a synergic curriculum which reflects both the local and international standards and relevant topics which meets individual students need. His abstract is published in the Journal Astrophysics and Space Technology.

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