Fatma M.A. Abouelkasem
National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Egypt
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
Introduction: MPM is extremely aggressive and has a long-latency period. Hence, detected at advanced stages
resulting in an unfavorable prognosis(1-2years). However, MPM prognosis has been improving over the past few
years with availability of better diagnostic and treatment regimens.
Purpose: We aim to compare clinic-pathologic characteristics of old-MPM cases referred to National Cancer Institute
(NCI)-Cairo university between( 2000-2003)and new MPM cases(2012-2015). Pearson's Chi(X2)and Fisher's Exact
t-tests were used for statistical analysis.
Results: 1) Old cohort (n=100):100 patients were encountered. Median age was 46 years. Males were 59% of cases.
30% has ECOG-PS1. Asbestos exposure in 74cases. 44cases were smokers, 25cases were industrial-workers. Family
history was positive in 12cases. Dyspnea in 92cases, chest pain in 83% and effusion in all cases, pleural thickening in
80%, tracheal shift to the opposite-side in 23%, Epithelioid subtype represented 46.6%. Pathological T2 represented
34%. 2) New cohort (n=194):194 patients were encountered. Median age was 53 years (range; 15-76). Males and
females were nearly equally distributed. Pathological subtypes were epithelioid, biphasic and sarcomatoid in 63.4,
24.7 and 11.8% respectively. Right-sided lesions were evident in nearly two-thirds of the cases. Pleural thickening
was nodular in 131(69.7%) cases. Inter-lobar fissure was thickened in 29.4%. Mediastinal Pleura was affected in
37.1%. Nearly, half of our cases had effusion. Ossification & calcification were detected in 8(4.1%) cases.
CONCLUSIONS: By comparing both groups, we found that more lymph node involvement(N+), less
metastasis(M+),older median age, more females, more epithelial subtype, less pleural effusion presentation, more
pleural thickening and OS (p< 0.001) were detected in group 2(new cases) reflecting better staging ( mediastinoscopy
& PET-CT),early detection, more incidence in females and better treatment modalities.
Recent Publications
1. Bueno, R. Multimodality treatments in the management of malignant pleural mesothelioma: an update.
Hematol. Oncol. Clin. North Am. 19, 1089â??1097, vii (2005).
2. Rudd, R. Asbestos and the lung. Medicine 36, 261â??264 (2008).
3. Carbone, M. et al. Malignant mesothelioma: facts, myths, and hypotheses. J. Cell. Physiol. 227, 44â??58 (2012).
4. Frank, A.L. & Joshi, T.K. The global spread of asbestos. Ann. Glob. Health 80, 257â??262 (2014).
Fatma Abouelkasem has expertise in lung cancer especially malignant pleural mesothelioma. She has many published papers in lung cancer. She is a member of Thoracic Committee at National Cancer Institute , Cairo University, Egypt. She is a member of Egyptian Socity of Respiratory Neoplasms. And she is a reviewer in Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer prevention (APJCP).
E-mail: fatmakassem@yahoo.com
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